Human magnetic sense

manfatto man at ndirect.co.uk
Sat Jun 26 12:56:14 EST 2004

There have been some interesting effects noticed in experiments 
involving the strapping of electro magnets to a helmet worn by a 
subject. These included a sense of somebody else being in the room (when 
there wasn't) and mild visual disturbances, especially noticable when 
the eyes were closed. Some people speculated that the earths magnetic 
field could therefore be a probable cause of supernatural 'ghosts'. I'm 
not sure about that but it's interesting nonetheless.


Wren Rice wrote:

> Many animals have been found to have internal magnets. They use these
> internal magnets for a variety of purposes. There is a bacterium that
> uses its internal magnetic material to sense up and down so it can find
> food on the bottom of its aquatic environment. Some birds are known to
> navigate by using their ability to sense the Earths magnetic field.
> Humans have extremely limited or no magnetic sense. I question, could
> such a sense be surgically provided? Could a small implant be developed
> that would allow a human to sense the Earths magnetic field?
> If so, it would also raise a question of what this might do. Would there
> be a down side as well as an up side? A person would probably have a
> vastly improved sense of direction but, they might be prone to
> experience unpleasant sensations when getting near unstable magnetic
> fields or very strong fields such as an MRI machine.

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