standardized, sanitized, sanctified: the construction of student subjectivities

John Hasenkam johnh at faraway.hgmp.mrc.ac.uk
Sat Jun 19 18:45:11 EST 2004

"Glen M. Sizemore" <gmsizemore2 at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:6e2f1d09.0406180317.6815571b at posting.google.com...
> Yeah, life's a bitch, eh Michael? You know, I'd like to practice brain
> surgery on humans but they keep insisting that I be properly trained
> and my skills periodically scrutinized for the purpose of evaluating
> their safety and effectiveness. Fascists! That's probably why Jethro
> Bodine never did get to be a brain surgeon (or a "double-naught spy,"
> for that matter) even though he made it "pert'near the sixth grade!"

Oh I don't know Glen, it just might happen, some of the medical treatment I
received seemed to have come from Granny's school of medicine, where they
use hulks like Jethro to hold the patient's down ... . .


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