"David B. Held" <dheld at codelogicconsulting.com> wrote in message news:<cav4kr$amn$1 at news.astound.net>...
> "N" <nicki.cee at virgin.net> wrote in message
> news:aaf60521.0406180449.3f1019fd at posting.google.com...
> > Per cell, is there an avarage or maximum (dendrite)
> > connections that they will make?,
>> Depends heavily on where in the body/brain the neurons are
> located.
> But individual neurons can deviate from(...)by orders of magnitude.
Is the number of connections per neuron in the region of eight or
less I was wondering?
> > and are the connections permanent or fixed or will they
> > periodically disconnect and reconnect to another axon?
>> Yes. For some connections, there is no reason for them to
> change, and a change could, in fact, be catastrophic (consider
> input/output connections). For others, change is necessary
> for learning/memory.
What time will it take for them to disconnect or reconnect then..
I was wondering about that tto?
>> Dave
>All in all then if there was a suggeted link made between neuron
connections and simple mathes, it might sound a bit fuzzy d'ya say?
PS, have a bit of reading to do on memory and species......back later.
>> ---
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