Yeah, life's a bitch, eh Michael? You know, I'd like to practice brain
surgery on humans but they keep insisting that I be properly trained
and my skills periodically scrutinized for the purpose of evaluating
their safety and effectiveness. Fascists! That's probably why Jethro
Bodine never did get to be a brain surgeon (or a "double-naught spy,"
for that matter) even though he made it "pert'near the sixth grade!"
"Mr Michael Bibby" <s4032484 at> wrote in message news:<casbvq$gmv$1 at>...
> ?there are no relations of power without resistances? Michel Foucault
>> Lecturers, preaching in governmentally legitimised learning institutions,
> promulgate their views upon students in the theatrics of the lecture hall
> through the process of instruction only to have them reflect it right back at
> them in precisely the same shape and form in which they imposed upon them (so
> precisely, in fact, that they studiously- themselves being ?scholars?- analyize
> it in a questioning light) in the examining processes which casts over students
> a blanket of visibility, a conceptual net, which renders them calculable
> (individuating them and judging them)- in much the same way, if only by
> different means, as the psychological experiment expose its willing participant
> to the logico-mathematical tools and axiological machinery of a made-to-measure
> science which cant conceive of its subjects in terms other than as points in
> multivariant distributions, ?deviations from the mean?, ?extreme outliers?.
> Dissident elements of the student population which operate outside of the
> parameters and guidelines set up by the (?standardized?) marking criteria the
> institutions in which they are caught up lay down, are apposed by the effects
> produced by the normalizing judgements which bring to bear upon the student
> subjectivity systems of ordering them, a classificatory systems, in the
> constitution of a hierarchically organizing grading system which defines them in
> terms of ?good?, ?bad? or ?average? students; in short, which organizes and
> orders them by opening up spaces for them to occupy and invest with interests.
>> Mickeyd