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Dear Colleague and friend of WSEAS,
We invite you to send an INVITED paper in the
2004 WSEAS International Conference on MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGY
(Corfu Island, Greece, August 17-19, 2004)
Deadline: June 30, 2004
Faculty Members that will present a paper in this Workshop in Corfu, Greece, in
August 2004
will be also invited for participation in the Scientific Committee of the
5th WSEAS International Conference on
(Venice, Italy, November 15-17, 2004)
Your invited papers in this Workshop
Corfu Island, Greece, August 17-19, 2004
will appear in the PROCEEDINGS as well as
WSEAS Transactions on BIOLOGY and BIOMEDICINE (referred journal)
Please, note that WSEAS Publications participate in all the major science citation
ISI, ELSEVIER, CSA, AMS. Mathematical Reviews, ELP, NLG, Engineering Index
Directory of the Published Proceedings, INSPEC (IEE)
the Organizers achieved incredible low prices in the CHP Hotel
(Corfu Hilton), 5 Star Sea Resort in Corfu Island, Greece,
resort where the multiconference of WSEAS will take place:
51 EUR in double room and 81 EUR in single room.
Registration fees: 250 EUR. (Also: August 2004: Athens: Olympic Games).
Only the Invited papers (limited number -- the elit of the
papers) will be published in the Proceedings + Journals.
(Not all the papers -- attention on that, please)
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