Janet Starr Hull, who also had Graves disease in 1991, told Justin Dumais to quit aspartame: Murray 2004.06.12 rmforall
Rich Murray
rmforall at att.net
Sat Jun 12 22:05:28 EST 2004
Janet Starr Hull, who also had Graves disease in 1991, told Justin Dumais to
quit aspartame: Murray 2004.06.12 rmforall
From: "Dr. Janet Starr Hull" <jshull at sweetpoison.com>
To: "Rich Murray" <rmforall at comcast.net>
Subject: Re: Justin Dumais, 25, Olympic diver, business graduate,
pilot,healed of Graves disease (hyperthyroidism) by giving up
aspartame:Roberts: Murray 2004.06.11 rmforall
Date: Saturday, June 12, 2004 6:37 PM
Thanks so much for circulating Justin's wonderful case history. The
nutritionist he found was myself, after he had read my book SWEET POISON.
His case is identical to mine, and he followed my experience and my 10 Step
Detox program exactly as I did, and his Grave's Disease disappeared within
60 days. We have been working closely for the past few months.
Keep spreading this wonderful news. As Justin's story is yet another case
identical to mine that proves neither of us ever had Grave's Disease -
merely aspartame poisoning.
All the best, Janet Hull
Dr. Janet Starr Hull, PhD, CN jshull at sweetpoison.com
Hair Analysis Program: http://www.hairanalysisprogram.com
Personal Message from Dr. Janet Starr Hull
Welcome to sweetpoison.com. I'm Dr. Janet Starr Hull, and I have something
to share with you that may save your life or the life of someone you love.
In 1991, I was diagnosed with an 'incurable' case of Grave's Disease, a
fatal thyroid disorder, I never really had Grave's Disease but my doctors
were convinced I did. I had aspartame poisoning with symptoms of 'textbook'
Grave's Disease caused by aspartame saturating my foods.
Modern medicine kept me alive temporarily, but I 'cured' my disease using
The Aspartame Detoxification Program©. Modern medicine has led us to the
"take a pill or cut it out mentality" for almost every modern health
symptom, but this approach alone cannot cure disease as more and more people
are personally discovering.
Using the Aspartame Detoxification Program I designed at the time of my
'disease', I restored my health within 30 days. If you use sugar-free
products with aspartame and suffer with health symptoms your medical doctor
cannot 'cure', more than likely you have aspartame poisoning.
I wasn't always a Doctor of Nutrition and Natural Medicine. I am a geologist
and international geographer by degree, a licensed Environmental Hazardous
Waste Specialist and Toxicologist, a former fire fighter, and college
Dr. Hull began teaching on the university level in her late twenties. Before
her first son was born in 1983, she returned to college to get a Master's
Degree in Environmental/Earth Sciences. Her undergraduate degree from The
University of Texas at Austin is in Geology and International Geography.
Over ten years teaching on the college level, she has taught classes in
geology, Physical and Cultural Geography, World Religions, Climatology,
Meteorology, Earth Science, Geomorphology, Cultural Anthropology, and OSHA
40 SARA 120 HAZMAT training classes.
While teaching at the University of North Texas, she was asked to direct a
National Symposium on the Dangers of NutraSweet/Equal®. The two-day seminar
enlightened the campus and the national news media, featuring speakers from
Federal attorneys to medical researchers with evidence of corruption and
health dangers related to aspartame use.
After four years teaching at the University, Dr. Hull was offered a job with
an environmental engineering firm remediating the former Soviet army bases
in Eastern Europe. Her work with the 'Ekocentre' confirmed the connection
between pollutants (both food and environmental) and disease.
Dr. Hull has granted over three hundred national radio interviews on the
dangers of aspartame, has been interviewed on Good Day New York, Good Day
Washington, DC, Positively Texas, and Good Morning Dallas discussing
aspartame dangers, and has been the keynote speaker at numerous national
I had a change in career after I cured myself from an "incurable disease",
Grave's Disease in 1991. I was told I would die, but the doctors didn't know
what caused my "fatal" thyroid disorder or how to cure it. They simply knew
how to mask my symptoms with radiation and life-long medications.
How I Cured My Own Disease
I decided to use my environmental skills to find the cause of my disease
before I agreed to destroy my thyroid gland; consequently signing up for a
lifelong dependency on expensive medications to stay alive. I found the
cause of my illness-the chemical in diet drinks, aspartame. When I removed
the toxin, I healed myself in thirty days. I've been perfectly healthy ever
since. No surgery and no medications - and NO aspartame!
Janet Starr Hull has a very diverse background with Degrees and experience
in geology and international geography, environmental science, fitness
training, and nutrition. She is a licensed Environmental Hazardous Waste
Emergency Response Specialist and Toxicologist, a former fire fighter, and
single mother of three dynamic sons. She won many gold medals for singing
beginning at 14 years of age and won her first silver medal in bicycle
racing at the age of 36. She had an unexpected change in career, however,
after she was diagnosed with an 'incurable' disease in 1991.
Before graduating from high school, Dr. Hull had studied classical piano for
twelve years and vocal training for seven years. She won the Texas State
Gold Medal for vocal solo performance at the age of 14. It was a real
surprise to everyone when she chose to major in Geology and International
Geography when at The University of Texas at Austin. But her passion has
always been the sciences, so she became known as the 'singing geologist.'
After she graduated from UT, she went to work for Sun Oil Company as a
uranium geologist.
Dr. Hull went on to earn her Master's Degree in Environmental/Earth Sciences
from Texas A & M at Commerce. She then earned her Certified Nutrition
License from the American Health Science University, and received a
Doctorate in Nutrition from Clayton College of Natural Health.
Janet Hull is also a licensed firefighter, EMT, and Federally licensed
Hazardous Waste and Emergency Response specialist, certified fitness
instructor and personal trainer.
Her various degrees and experiences have provided her with an understanding
of the chemical causes at the root of human disease. She believes that the
best nutritionists are geologists and environmental engineers (natural
scientist-types) as they look outside of the box at the greater picture of
human-environmental interrelationships.
Dr. Hull's Aspartame Experience
When Janet Hull was in her mid-thirties, she thought her life was perfect.
She enjoyed being married, she had three great sons in elementary school,
she taught aerobics to stay in shape, was a professor at The University of
North Texas, and lived in a wonderful suburban neighborhood. She has always
been healthy, and enjoyed three, easy natural childbirths. But for some
mysterious reason, her health began to deteriorate, and over one short year,
she ended up in the hospital diagnosed with an incurable thyroid disease
with no known cause or cure.
Because of her excellent health history, she questioned why she suddenly had
a disease with no options other than radiation and a life dependent upon
medication to stay alive. Hull wanted answers and no one could provide any.
So she set out to find them herself. And she did.
Dr. Hull cured her 'incurable' disease, and has gone on to live a healthy
and medicine-free life. Her work against aspartame is based on her personal
experience and the deception she discovered behind its popularity. Dr.
Hull's work is based upon what she discovered during her illness, and how
she cured her 'incurable' disease.
Remove all sugar-free products with aspartame from your diet.
Learn to 'read' your body. Begin recording any health changes.
Get a hair analysis.
Be happy with yourself.
Restore depleted nutrients.
Exercise and get plenty of rest.
Eat 75% raw foods at every meal.
Drink water, water, water.
Get control of your life.
About Dr. Janet Starr Hull, PhD., CN
Dr. Janet Starr Hull received her Doctorate Degree in Nutrition from Clayton
College of Natural Health and earned her designation as a Certified
Nutritionist (CN) from the American Health Science University and National
Institute of Nutritional Education.
Dr. Hull is a Hazardous Waste and Emergency Response Specialist, a former
firefighter, professor of Environmental Science and International Geography,
certified fitness professional, and author. She is currently a nutritional
counselor and researcher.
Dr. Hull founded MicrobeConversions, Inc., a research-based corporation
marketing mold remediation technology, and established the organization
Children Harmed by Aspartame. She works with individuals worldwide.
She is an expert on the dangers of the artificial sweetener aspartame and
has developed a unique nutritional program and Ten Steps To Detoxification
for disease recovery. Her experience and research led to a breakthrough
concept for treatment of illness by identifying and eliminating the causes
at the root of disease.
About SweetPoison
Dr. Hull is the author of the best selling book Sweet Poison How The World's
Most Popular Artificial Sweetener Is Killing Us - My Story -, New Horizon
Press, USA, Sept., 1998, and Vision Publications, London, England, March,
2000, 2nd Ed, 2002.
She is currently publishing her new book, Ten Steps To Detoxification: How
To Prevent Radiation, Heavy Metals, and Food Chemicals From Destroying Your
Dr. Hull recently hosted the syndicated radio talk show, HEALTHY
ALTERNATIVES®, and has been the guest on over 300 national radio talk shows
discussing her book and nutritional work.
[ More accounts of Janet Hull's aspartame history are at the end of this
post. ]
on 6/11/04 11:51 PM, Rich Murray at rmforall at comcast.net wrote:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aspartameNM/message/1091
> Justin Dumais, 25, Olympic diver, business graduate, pilot, healed of
> disease (hyperthyroidism) by giving up aspartame: Roberts: Murray
> 2004.06.11 rmforall
> "The disease most often strikes middle-aged women.
> "A 25-year-old male elite athlete is about as far from the stereotypical
> Graves patient as you can get," he says.
> Now, he has his doctors baffled.
> He began taking medication in February but continued doing his own
> He found a nutritionist who suggested he cut aspartame, an artificial
> sweetener found in products such as diet soda, from his diet.
> In mid-March, he quit diet soda and his medication.
> Now, Dumais feels so much better, he questions whether he really has
> disease, which has no known cure."
ht> m
> Posted 6/10/2004 10:03 PM Updated 6/11/2004 1:04 PM
> Disease diagnosis doesn't deter diver By Vicki Michaelis, USA TODAY
> ST. PETERS, Mo. - Justin Dumais was just so tired. Seven months ago, he
> hardly could muster the energy for a shower, let alone for the 10-meter
> dives he had been practicing more than half his life.
research on aspartame (methanol, formaldehyde, formic acid) toxicity:
Murray 2004.06.12 rmforall
Rich Murray, MA Room For All rmforall at comcast.net
1943 Otowi Road, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505 USA 505-501-2298
[ NutraSweet, Equal, Canderel, Benevia, E951 ]
Donald Rumsfeld, 1977 head of Searle Corp., got aspartame FDA approval:
Turner: Murray 2002.12.23 rmforall
three-page review: aspartame (methanol, formaldehyde) toxicity:
Murray 2003.11.22 rmforall
brief aspartame review: formaldehyde toxicity: Murray 2003.09.11 rmforall
aspartame & formaldehyde toxicity: Murray 2003.09.09 rmforall
Murray, full plain text & critique:
chronic aspartame in rats affects memory, brain cholinergic receptors, and
brain chemistry, Christian B, McConnaughey M et al, 2004 May:
2004.06.05 rmforall
Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 2004 May; 78(1): 121-7.
Chronic aspartame affects T-maze performance, brain cholinergic receptors
and Na(+),K(+)-ATPase in rats.
Christian B, McConnaughey K, Bethea E, Brantley S, Coffey A, Hammond L,
Harrell S, Metcalf K, Muehlenbein D, Spruill W, Brinson L, McConnaughey M.
Department of Pharmacology, Brody School of Medicine, East Carolina
University, Greenville, NC 27858, USA;
North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics, Durham, NC 27811.
Mona M. McConnaughey, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor
Office: Brody Medical Science 6E-120A 252-744-2756
MCCONNAUGHEYM at mail.ecu.edu
This study demonstrated that chronic aspartame consumption in rats can lead
to altered T-maze performance and increased muscarinic cholinergic receptor
densities in certain brain regions.
Control and treated rats were trained in a T-maze to a particular side and
then periodically tested to see how well they retained the learned response.
Rats that had received aspartame (250 mg/kg/day) in the drinking water for 3
or 4 months showed a significant increase in time to reach the reward in the
T-maze, suggesting a possible effect on memory due to the artificial
Using [(3)H]quinuclidinyl benzilate (QNB) (1 nM) to label muscarinic
cholinergic receptors and atropine (10(-6) M) to determine nonspecific
binding in whole-brain preparations,
aspartame-treated rats showed a 31% increase in receptor numbers when
compared to controls.
In aspartame-treated rats, there was a significant increase in muscarinic
receptor densities in the
frontal cortex, midcortex, posterior cortex, hippocampus, hypothalamus and
cerebellum of 80%, 60%, 61%, 65%, 66% and 60%, respectively.
The midbrain was the only area where preparations from aspartame-treated
rats showed a significant increase in Na(+),K(+)-ATPase activity.
It can be concluded from these data that long-term consumption of aspartame
can affect T-maze performance in rats and alter receptor densities or
enzymes in brain. PMID: 15159141
Justin Dumais, 25, Olympic diver, business graduate, pilot, healed of Graves
disease (hyperthyroidism) by giving up aspartame: Roberts: Murray
2004.06.11 rmforall
hyperthyroidism (Graves disease) in George and Barbara Bush, 1991--
aspartame toxicity? Roberts 1997: Murray 10.9.2 rmforall
[Comments by Rich Murray are in square brackets.]
Roberts HJ.
Aspartame and Hyperthyroidism, A Presidential Affliction Reconsidered
Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients; May 1997: 86-88.
(Extracts) Case I : A 34-year-old university professor (environmental
studies) developed classic primary hyperthyroidism
after she began using considerable amounts of products containing
aspartame-- specifically, 4-5 cans of a diet soda daily, four liters of
a diet cola weekly, 3-4 servings of diet ice cream a day, and other
products (gelatin; gum; breath mints). Such consumption was
superimposed on her added capacity as a supervisor of aerobics classes
to attain "the mean, fit look". She had enjoyed excellent health until
The patient suffered severe sweats and attacks of sinus tachycardia (up
to 180 beats per minute). Other suggestive aspartame-realated features
included recent vascular headaches, bilateral decreased vision, dry
eyes, tinnitus, severe dizziness, tremors, "numbness and shooting
pains in the arms and legs," confusion and memory loss,
slurred speech, extreme swings in mood (including thoughts of suicide
that never had been experienced previously), personality changes (almost
leaving her husband and children), a paradoxic gain of weight despite
her physical activity, itching, abdominal pain, thinning of the hair,
menstrual problems, and swelling of the lips, tongue and eyes.
She then evidenced a goiter.
She had been adopted by a couple unrelated to her parents.
Her biologic mother was diabetic.
She received propranolol and propylthiouracil. Radioiodine therapy was
then recommended. Since no search for "an environmental trigger" had
been attempted, this keen educator opted for a delay in order to review
the events preceding her illness. She regarded a doctor's suggestion
that her hyperthyroidism has been caused largely by stress as "a copout".
The only plausible factor that seemed pertinent was the considerable
use of aspartame-containing products.
Her extreme fatigue, headache, swelling of the eyes, depression, tachycardia
and several other symptoms abated within a few days after abstaining from
The thyroid studies progressively improved, and normalized within three
An "accidental retest" from drinking aspartame-sweetened tea
promptly precipitated most of her symptoms.
There was no recurrence over the ensuing two years notwithstanding her
cessation of all medication, continuing a full academic teaching
schedule and aerobics instruction, and rearing three children.
Case 2 This 39-year-old woman developed Graves disease after her
stepsister (Case 1). She was an insulin-dependent diabetic who began
using aspartame products to avoid sugar. Shortly thereafter, her blood
glucose concentrations became highly erratic, coupled with loss of
urinary bladder control (ascribed to diabetic neuropathy.)
The patient sought advice from her stepsister when the diagnosis of
hyperthyroidism was made. A comparable clinical remission ensued after
abstaining from aspartame products, along with striking improvement of
her bladder function and diabetes control. The latter are consistent
with my repeated experience that aspartame products can cause loss of
diabetes control, and aggravate or simulate diabetic retinopathy and
neuropathy. (1-4)
http://www.healthtrinity.org/bad_health.htm [ Extracts ]
This is an excerpt from nutritionist, Ann Louise Gittleman's book, Your
Body Knows Best.....
"What about Sugar Substitutes? Since we know that sugar will elevate
insulin levels, creating the risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart
disease, what about artificial sweeteners?
I remember well the story of Jan Smith, from Idea Today (September,
1991) who at 35 taught bench and low-impact aerobics and circuit
She also drank a lot of diet soda sweetened with NutraSweet and ate a
lot of sugar-free foods, also containing NutraSweet.
Although she seemed to be fine, Jan suddenly began gaining weight,
topping out at 30 pounds above her usual weight.
She began losing her hair, her skin broke out, and she suffered from
headaches, heart palpitations, and mood swings severe enough to be
suicidal. Her cholesterol sharply increased and she developed ear and
vision problems, shooting pains in her limbs and problems with her
menstrual cycle. Jan worked out even harder to try to
combat the weight gain, but then her blood pressure shot up.
Doctors finally diagnosed Graves' disease and told her she had to have
her thyroid removed or she would die.
Fortunately, Jan had a background in environmental science.
She began to investigate, and discovered her body
lacked chromium, an essential mineral that aspartame (also known as
Equal and NutraSweet) removes from the body. She linked her symptoms,
including--surprisingly--her sudden weight gain, to the use of diet
foods laced with NutraSweet that she had
begun using in earnest about 18 months earlier.
Within a month of quitting the NutraSweet and all the products it was
found in, Jan's symptoms (and the extra weight) disappeared.
Many people, in an attempt to avoid sugar, use sugar substitutes.
Aspartame (known as NutraSweet and Equal) is an ingredient in more than
3,000 foods, including diet sodas and diet foods like sugar-free yogurt
and powdered drink mixes. Toothpaste, sugar-free gum, pudding, packaged
desserts, dietetic foods, sweets for diabetics, and just about any
product you can think of that used to have sugar in it now may have
aspartame instead.
Aspartame is a combination of three substances: the amino acid
phenylalanine, aspartic acid, and methanol (wood alcohol).
Each of these has been known to cause serious side effects.
Phenylalanine, for example, lowers or blocks production of serotonin,
an amine that sends messages from the pineal gland in the brain. This
blockage is a potential cause of carbohydrate cravings, PMS symptoms,
insomnia, and mood swings.
In some circumstances, people may be getting excessively high levels of
methanol; it is estimated that on a hot day after exercising, if you
drink three 12 ounce cans of diet soda, you could easily be consuming
as much as eight times the Environmental Protection Agency's recommended
limits for methanol consumption.
[ Thus, 600 mg aspartame gives 66 mg methanol,
which is 8.5 times the EPA daily limit for drinking water of 7.8 mg
daily methanol. ]
Exercise can be a component in the dangers of aspartame. Jan, who now
avidly supports the Aspartame Consumer Safety Network (ACSN) in
Dallas, Texas 214-352-4268, pointed out that aspartame and its
by-products (including free-form wood alcohol) can race
through the system of very fit person who has a high metabolic rate.
When you work out, the activity of all your body systems
is intensified, and so are reactions to whatever is in the body at the
time. Ironically, it seems that fitness instructors are particularly
prone to drinking diet soda with NutraSweet in between classes,
and so may be in the most danger.
Far from being the answer to the sugar problem, aspartame has instead
spurred numerous complaints from unsuspecting consumers, which now
represent 80 - 85 percent of all food complaints registered with the
Food and Drug Administration. Among 93 different symptoms are
attributed to aspartame use, including dizziness, headaches, loss of
equilibrium, ear problems, hemorrhaging of the eyes, and visual
The dangers of artificial sweeteners have become so widespread that the
Aspartame Consumer Safety Network now offers scientific information
and acts as a clearinghouse of information on adverse reactions. Three
Senate hearings have been conducted on the safety of aspartame, and the
Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) in Washington, D.C.,
now lists it as the third-worst additive.
Since you never know how much you could be ingesting, I suggest you
completely avoid any foods with added NutraSweet
or any other artificial sweetener."
Patricia Ziliani <trish at sleeper.apana.org.au>
Subject: Graves Disease triggered by NutraSweet
This article was in the Sunshine Connection and titled:
Here is the article:
Jan Smith, a fitness instructor and professor of environmental science
at North Texas University, was diagnosed with Graves Disease
(overactive thyroid) at age 35.
Jan had suddenly gained 30 pounds, her hair started falling out,
and her skin was breaking out.
She suffered from headaches, mood swings,
suicidal tendencies, heart palpitations, a sharp cholesterol increase,
vision and ear problems, menstrual problems, excessive sweating and
shooting pains in her limbs.
When doctors told her if she didn't have her thyroid removed she would
die, she felt otherwise. "If I hadn't been fit all my life I might
have agreed, but I felt there was something else going on," she said.
She eventually suspected that there was a possible link between her
symptoms and artificial sweeteners, which she had begun using in diet
sodas and other foods 18 months earlier. Within a month after she
stopped using aspartame, Jan's symptoms disappeared.
http://www.dorway.com/tldaddic.html 5-page review
Roberts HJ Aspartame (NutraSweet) addiction.
Townsend Letter 2000 Jan; HJRobertsMD at aol.com
http://www.sunsentpress.com/ sunsentpress at aol.com
Sunshine Sentinel Press P.O.Box 17799 West Palm Beach, FL 33416
800-814-9800 561-588-7628 561-547-8008 fax
1038-page medical text "Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic"
published May 30 2001 $ 60.00 postpaid data from 1200 cases
available at http://www.amazon.com
over 600 references from standard medical research
Moseley: review Roberts "Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic":
Murray 2002.02.07 rmforall
three texts by H.J. Roberts, 1958, 1971, 1979: Murray 11.6.2 rmforall
Roberts, Hyman J., 1924- ,
Useful insights for diagnosis, treatment and public heath: an updated
anthology of original research, 2002, 798 pages,
aspartame disease, pages 627-685, 778-780
Roberts: the life work of a brilliant clinician: aspartame toxicity:
Murray 2002.08.02 rmforall
Pages 431 - 436 in Aspartame Disease, 2001:
4. Hyperthyroidism (Graves disease); Pseudohyperthyroidism
[ This almost exactly reproduces his 1997 article,
with only very minor changes, except as noted here.
Two cases are added:
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