5 days left to send papers to CSCC 2004 Invitation. neur-sci@net.bio.net Is the W SEAS World Conference of Applied Mathematics in Corfu (August 2004) appropriate for Electrical Engineers and Computer Scientists also?
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Dear Prof./Dr.
[1] We have received several emails from Electrical Engineers asking us if the
WSEAS Multiconference on Applied Mathematics in Corfu (17-19 August 2005)
is also appropriate for Electrical Engineers and Computer Scientists.
The answer is Positive, very positive, and we would like to emphasize the very cheap
registration (250 EUR for WSEAS members) in this great multiconference
of WSEAS Applied Mathematics, where we can also accept papers in Systems Theory,
Communications, Electronics, Signal Processing, Circuits, Control, Management,
Electric Power etc as well. Deadline: June 30, 2004
Extremely Cheap Prices only for the WSEAS participants in the 5-Star Sea Resort: 51
[2] Only 5 DAYS left to send papers !
You are INVITED to send a paper to the WSEAS Multiconference: Circuits, Systems,
Communication and Computers 2005 (Vouliagmeni, Athens, July 12-15, 2005)
Only the Invited papers (limited number -- the elit of the
papers) will be published in the Proceedings + Journals.
(Not all the papers -- attention on that, please)
So, really, 5 DAYS left to send papers for this
Superb WSEAS CSCC multiconference (Strict Deadline JUNE 15, 2004).
Up to now we have received more than 600 papers.
Check it via our web.
The multiconference will take place in Vouliagmeni (suburb of Athens),
one month before the 2004 Olympic Games. Special discount in the hotel (100
EUR/room). We would like to INVITE you to send a paper for this very important
^^^ Please, note that WSEAS Publications participate now in all major science
citation indexes. ISI, ELSEVIER, CSA, AMS. Mathematical Reviews, ELP, NLG,
Engineering Index
Directory of Published Proceedings, INSPEC (IEE)
^^^ Several Awards for Circuits, Electronics, Systems, Communications and Computers
(Best Paper Award, Best Presentation Award, etc... ) in the
this multiconference.
Best Regards
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