Nature preprint - Pouille and Scanzani

NMF nm_fournier at ns.sympatico.ca
Wed Jun 9 22:32:29 EST 2004

thanks for the suggested article.  Just got it right now.  That is a
remarkable experiment.

"Matthew Kirkcaldie" <m.kirkcaldie at removethis.unsw.edu.au> wrote in message
news:m.kirkcaldie-0906DE.11041509062004 at tomahawk.comms.unsw.edu.au...
> Just a heads-up for those of you with access to Nature online - there is
> a preprint by Pouille and Scanzani about work in hippocampal slices in
> which they show that various inhibitory mechanisms kick in at different
> times during the processing of afferent activity, and make some parts of
> the dendritic tree active at stimulus onset, but other parts functional
> during subsequent activity.
> So when a burst of activity is received, the soma and perisomatic
> dendrites are inhibited but the apical dendrites are active, but shortly
> afterwards the apical dendrites are inhibited and taken out of play.  As
> the authors put it, "the onset of a series of action potentials and the
> rate of action potentials in the series are selectively captured and
> transformed into different spatial patterns of recurrent inhibition."
> Remarkable stuff!
>          Matthew.

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