Physicists in dance

Icono Clast IClast at JPS.Net
Wed Jun 9 05:19:06 EST 2004

marshall at astro.umd.edu (James Marshall) wrote:
>      I heard someone talking at the dance I went to last night and I
> he said something like, "there are only two reasons straight men get
> into dancing -- a woman or women."  :)

I started dancing so many decades ago that I don't remember why I
started but it's a fairly safe bet that the reasons above are

I've continued to dance because I enjoy it more than just about any
other thing. I also recognize that it's a healthful, low-impact, full
body exercise. And, of course, my partners whom I dearly love, each
and every one of the scores each week, hundreds per month, and
thousands every year.
A San Franciscan who never says "No!" to an invitation to dance!
http://geocities.com/dancefest/     http://geocities.com/iconoc/
ICQ: http://wwp.mirabilis.com/19098103      IClast at SFbay Net

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