On 8 Jun 2004 08:04:05 -0700, iain_inkster at hotmail.com (Iain) wrote:
>Where can I learn everything there is to know about the starfish
>nervous system, and how it creates useful behaviour. I don't just want
>diagrams; I want descriptions of the dynamics involved, if possible.
You could start with the work of JLS Cobb:
Cobb, J. L. S. (1987).
Neurobiology of the Echinodermata. In
Nervous Systems in Invertebrates (ed. M. A. Ali), pp. 483-525.
New York: Plenum Press.
Pentreath VW, Cobb JL
Neurobiology of echinodermata.
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Cobb, J. L. S. and Laverack, M. S. (1967).
Neuromuscular systems in echinoderms.
Symp. Zool. Soc., Lond. 20, 25-51.
Cobb, J. L. S. (1988)
A preliminary hypothesis to account for the neural basis of behaviour
in echinoderms.
In: Echinoderm Biology.
R. D. Burke, M. V. Mladenov, P. Lambert and R. L. Parsley, eds.,
Rotterdam, Balkema : 565-573.
Cobb, J. L. S. and Moore, A. (1989)
Studies on the integration of sensory information by the nervous
system of the brittlestar Ophiura ophiura.
Marine Behavior And Physiology, 14, 211- 212.
Cobb, J. L. S. (1989)
Enigmas of echinoderm nervous systems. In: Evolution Of The First
Nervous Systems.
P. A. V. Anderson, eds.,
New York, Plenum Press : 329-337.
Cobb, J. L. S. and Hendler, G. (1990)
Neurophysiological characterization of the photoreceptor system in a
brittlestar, Ophiocoma wendtii (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea).
Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology, 97A(3), 329-333.
Cobb, J. L. S. and Begbie, K. M. (1994)
Aspects of the hyponeural nervous system.
In: Echinoderms Through Time (Echinoderms Dijon).
B. David, A. Guille, J. P. Féral and M. Roux, eds.,
Rotterdam, Balkema : 25-29.