US Claims It is Not Bound To Laws Barring Torture

Alan Balmer albalmer at att.net
Tue Jun 8 10:21:32 EST 2004

On 8 Jun 2004 06:12:52 -0800, uj797 at victoria.tc.ca (Arthur T. Murray)

>Bush himself seems to be undergoing some sort of torture leading to
>http://www.commondreams.org/headlines04/0604-13.htm -- erratic behavior.

Funny! A troll linking to a troll linking to a troll!
The original troll is a self-styled "publisher" because he can't get
anyone else to publish his made-from-whole-cloth lies. The follow up
troll is a "publisher" with no original material which illegally
redistributes copyrighted material and brags about it. Arthur, you
should choose your bedfellows more carefully.

Al Balmer
Balmer Consulting
removebalmerconsultingthis at att.net

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