[Are the cases of domestic torture and nonconsensual
experimentation also excused and rationalized by similar,
classified, Nazi-style legal reports?]
US Claims It is Not Bound To Laws Barring Torture
Over the weekend the U.S. released 320 more prisoners from the
Abu Ghraib. This came as more news reports emerged that the
incidents of torture recently captured on film in Abu Ghraib
were not isolated events but part of a new Pentagon policy on
dealing with detainees. The Wall Street Journal is reporting it
has obtained a classified Bush administration report that
concluded the president wasn't bound by laws prohibiting
torture and that government agents who might torture prisoners
at his direction couldn't be prosecuted by the Justice
Department. The advice was part of a classified report on
interrogation methods prepared for Defense Secretary Donald
Rumsfeld after commanders at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, complained
in late 2002 that with conventional methods they weren't
getting enough information from prisoners. The report claimed
that on national security grounds the president could approve
the use of almost any physical or psychological action during
interrogation including torture. In addition, the report
advised that torture or homicide could be justified as
"self-defense," should an official "honestly believe" it was
necessary to head off an imminent attack on the U.S.
US 'not bound by torture laws'
Lawyers said Bush not bound by torture laws-WSJ
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