Two articles on the =Washington Post=
web site have 'simultaneity' that is extra-
ordinarily 'curious'. It's my Analysis that
it is Colusion in 'high'-places that under-
pins this 'simulteneity'.
The dynamics discussed in the Reports
smack of "pre-emption" - set-ups re.
further dynamics that are yet to be
1. "Hill Probers Fault Iraq Intelligence
Panels' Early Findings Are Similar to Kay's
By Dana Priest and Walter Pincus
Washington Post Staff Writers
Friday, January 30, 2004; Page A01"
2. "Inquiry Leaves BBC in Crisis
2nd Official Quits Over Iraq Findings; Journalists Walk Out
By Glenn Frankel
Washington Post Foreign Service
Friday, January 30, 2004; Page A11"
"`The atmosphere is bleak,' said a
member of the staff of 'Today,' the
radio news program that first aired
the intelligence allegations. `People
inside the BBC are desperately anxious
that this affair doesn't lead to the
unraveling of our independence.'
The BBC, which raises most of its
funds through a compulsory licensing
fee, is overseen by the government.
While Ryder serves as temporary BBC
chairman, the government will launch
a search for a successor, over which
Blair will have the final say."
It's my Analysis that =part= of what's
being 'pre-empted' is the fact that
=anyone= who looked, before the
War in Irag was launched, could see
that, when juxtaposed against the
Consequences inherent in going to
War - which include having to deal
with the explosively-quick "rendering
useless" [AoK, Ap8] of the dictaor's
iron-fisted control of the Iraqi Citizenry -
the 'benefits' of launching the War were
not Justified in-Truth.
=Anyone= who only looked - who
only read the News accounts pertain-
ing - could see that, between the op-
tions of seeking amplified Diplomacy
vs. going to War, it was no contest.
The Iraqi dictator, and his upper-'level'
cohorts were all seeking raproachment.
Yet all of this was 'just' ignored prior
to launching the War.
It's my Analysis that Administrations
in both the U.S.A. and G. B. are, 'now',
doing more of the same sort of head-
long ['head-strong'] rushing-ahead with
old, long-previously-established 'plans',
only, 'now', instead of directing their
'pre-emptive strikes' against Iraq, they
are directing them against their own
K. P. Collins