Hi Peter, I tried to order a copy of the
book, yesterday, the ISBN came up
blank :-|
Perhaps it's out of print?
Britannica came up blank, too :-|
I'll keep the ISBN in my wallet, and,
if I ever travel to a good Library again,
will try to find it.
'Course, Libraries are "CURSES" to
me. [Do I use your term Correctly?]
It's a Sorrow.
ken [k. p. collins]
"Peter F." <effectivespamblock at ozemail.com.au> wrote in message
news:O%6Rb.364$1v4.7775 at nnrp1.ozemail.com.au...
> Ken,
>> The book (paperback edition) was written 1973; reprinted -76 and -78
> Penguin Books ISBN 0 14 0806547
> Chapter 2,
> Page 58
>> Hope you get hold of a copy.
>> Peter