"Peter F." <effectivespamblock at ozemail.com.au> wrote in message
news:i3wRb.442$dp5.10146 at nnrp1.ozemail.com.au...
> [...]
I enjoyed reading your replying
comments, Peter.
You Understand!
[You've long Understood?
And I've been 'oblivious'?
Forgive me, please.]
And I Apologize for my having
'taken offense' at your comments
on "neurosis", which, when I re-
read them, I saw that I'd not
actually read them the first time
I 'read' them :-]
{I'm pushing pretty-hard, mostly
offline. [It's as a flood, and I'm
trying to gather as much of it as
I can - so I can discuss it some
'years' hence, here in b.n.]
> Don't forget, Ken, that a laugh
> a day might keep the doctor
> at bay! :-)
Believe it, or believe-it-not,
I laugh-and-laugh-and-laugh, a lot :-]
It's just that, these 'days' I'm
doing some "heavy-lifting".
So I'm wearing my "Serious-
Face", nere in b.n.
Cheers, Courageous-One,