The Amygdala and Human Evolution.. A connection????

k p Collins kpaulc at [----------]earthlink.net
Tue Jan 27 14:27:06 EST 2004

You 'snipped' the context in which I was
Criticizing =myself=, not you, for "spouting-off".

I explained that I =should= look it up, but
opted to work from memory [from a grad
school course in the 1975-6 academic 'year'].

I've enjoyed both the info you've provided,
and the 'fire-within' that's evident in your

I've just been working to enable you to
see that DHEA is 'just' another neuro-
chemical 'tool', and that one has to resort
to the neural Topology to be able to interp-
ret the roles of any such neurochemical 'tools'.

My pursuit of this'point' is quite generalized.
I've been discussing it for more than a decade
here in b.n, and I write for those who've been
reading that discussion all along.

Cheers, ken [k. p. collins]

"James Michael Howard" <jmhoward at arkansas.net> wrote in message
news:42jc10h1cprl90bt1k3ttgt6vt2e1rqcmp at 4ax.com...
> On Tue, 27 Jan 2004 02:42:57 GMT, "k p  Collins"
> <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote:
> >Cheers, Neil,
> >
> >ken
> >
> >"NMF" <neil.fournier at sympatico.ca> wrote in message
> >news:FwfRb.33366$Kg6.239796 at news20.bellglobal.com...
> >> Although the actual link between sex and the amygdala was advocated
> >> before Heinrich Kluver and Paul Bucy work in the thirties and forties.
> >> [...]
> >
> Well, I apologize, guys, for causing you to take your time to admonish me
> "spouting off."  I knew about the sex connection with the amygdala in
> gosh, I really did.  I simply stumbled onto the abstract I posted here
> it stimulated my enthusiasm for my idea back then.

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