Just in case folks misunderstood...
"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
news:SO9Rb.26217$i4.18 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net...
> [...]
> It's 'funny'. It's always been this way in my
> Life. Even in grade school, my Teachers were
> 'afraid' of 'me'.
> [...]
The worst thing I ever did,until I started
'getting arrested' for 'standing in the face
of the beast', unappologetically, happened
when I was in the 6th grade.
I'd gotten a new fountain pen, and was
teasing the Girl who sat behind me by
shaking the pen at her - and the pen
I've felt-bad about it ever since, because
her Mom never got the ink out, and she
had to wear the blouse I'd ruined until
she grew out of it :-[
My Teachers weren't 'afraid' of me be-
cause I was 'bad'. They 'moved away
from' me 'because' I, well, offered 'sug-
gestions' - 'impertinently'.
We were supposed to be there to Learn,
after all.
I was born, raised, educated, in, and
Served in, the U. S. Military.
My Dad would've 'skinned-me-alive'
if any Teacher ever gave a bad report
of my behavior.
I just had my own ideas about what
is important to Learn.
So, I Learned to Teach myself,
in the back of the class.
Folks put all sorts of fancy-twists on
it, but 'fear' is 'moving away from'.
So my Teachers [not all of them] were
'afraid' of 'me'.
Same as 'you' folks :-]
"We'd better starve him out!"
It won't work :-]
ken [k. p. collins]