While this or that study rediscovers it, all of this
stuff has been long-known.
I should look-it-up before 'spouting-off', but I 'think',
if you search on "Cluver-Bucy Syndrome", you'll see
what I mean.
Anyway, it was all established before I began
working in Neuroscience in 1971.
There were a lot of correlated studies done in
Monkey [hypersexuality post amygdalotmy,
which means that, with respect to sexuality,
the amygdala is a "supersystem configuration"
mechanism [AoK, Ap5], =not= the 'whole
Cheers, ken [k. p. collins]
"James Michael Howard" <jmhoward at arkansas.net> wrote in message
news:4nk810974c5foigcsui90s71j9us98ro7p at 4ax.com...
> The Amygdala and Human Evolution.. A connection????
>> In 1985, I copyrighted "A Theory of the Control of the Ontogeny and
Phylogeny of
> Homo sapiens by the Interaction of Dehydroepiandrosterone and the
Amygdala." I
> had difficulty researching my ideas regarding DHEA and the amygdala, so I
> focused on DHEA. Anyway I was pleased to find the following, new article
> shows that I may have been on the right path in my selection of the
>> Annals of Neurology 2004 Jan; 55(1): 87-96.
> The amygdala and sexual drive: Insights from temporal lobe epilepsy
>> Baird AD, Wilson SJ, Bladin PF, Saling MM, Reutens DC.
>> School of Behavioural Science, Department of Psychology, University of
> Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.
>> The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between the amygdala
> human sex drive. We compared amygdalar volume in groups of patients with
> without sexual changes after temporal lobe resection and in age-matched
> neurologically normal subjects. Forty-five patients with intractable
> lobe epilepsy who underwent surgical resection in the Comprehensive
> Program at the Austin and Repatriation Medical Centre completed a
> interview and questionnaire relating to sexual outcome after surgery.
> analyses of both amygdalae were conducted on the patients' preoperative
> T(1)-weighted magnetic resonance imaging scans and those of 46
> normal controls. Patients who reported a postoperative sexual increase had
> significantly larger amygdalar volume contralateral to the site of their
> resective surgery than patients with a sexual decrease or no change than
> subjects. There was a significant positive relationship between
> amygdalar volume and the maximum degree of sexual change. We have
demonstrated a
> relationship between contralateral amygdalar volume and sexual outcome in
> patients undergoing temporal lobe resection. This finding provides
evidence for
> an important role of the amygdala in regulating human sexual behavior. A
> contralateral amygdala may contribute to the expression of increased or
> sexuality after temporal lobe resection
>> James Michael Howard
> www.anthropogeny.com