Looking For A PDP-12 Lab Computer

O. Sharp ohh at drizzle.com
Sun Jan 25 19:21:41 EST 2004

Hello! I'm looking for an old Digital Equipment computer, a PDP-12, to 
purchase for a computer restoration project. Since they once had fairly 
wide use in medical labs, especially for neurological studies, I'm
hoping someone here may know of one that may be available. I got some good 
leads from here when I asked this last September, but sadly those didn't 
pan out. I hope nobody minds my asking again.  :)

The PDP-12s were built as laboratory instruments back in the late 1960s; 
they usually come in a cabinet about 6 feet tall, have one or two
small magnetic tape drives on the front, and have an operator's console 
with several dozen impressive-looking lights and rocker switches on them. 
They're related to the LINC (Laboratory INstrumentation Computer) and 
LINC-8 computers built earlier that decade. A picture of a PDP-12, which 
I'm hoping some of you may find familiar, can be seen at:


I'm hoping to find one that's in reasonably-restorable shape, and if by
chance there's software and/or documentation as well that would be a
great bonus. There's a restored PDP-8/I here to keep it company, too.  :)
Price is negotiable, depending on condition, and of course I'll be
willing to arrange and pay for shipping. (If it happens to be in or
near Seattle, that would certainly make it easier.)

Does anyone know of (or, perhaps, even have) one that's available for
purchase, or may be available later? If you do, please e-mail me. I'll
be grateful, to the point of a small reward.  :)  Thanks!

ohh at drizzle.com       Um, yeah, I guess preserving thirty-year-old
                   data processing equipment _is_ kind of an odd
                   hobby...  :)

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