Important CLARIFICATION [wasRe: regularity of spike series]

k p Collins kpaulc at [----------]earthlink.net
Sun Jan 25 16:54:31 EST 2004


Folks here in bionet.neuroscience should recall
that I reiterated, over and over again, "Don't respond."

=None= of the 'Difficult' stuff that I've been discussing
applies to any of the regulars that read in b.n.

To these folks, I'm 'only' =Grateful= for being allowed
to discuss the work I've done, and its applications.

It was be-cause I knew, long ago, that I'd be, one
'day', addressing this 'Difficult' stuff that I, long ago,
told folks here in b.n that they should feel no need to

I'm =not= talking about any thing that's transpired
amongst the regulars who read in b.n.

I'm mostly addressing what I've Witnessed offline.

That stuff =needs= to be addressed, Forthrightly,
so that folks' consciousnesses can be lifted-up with
respect to it.

There is no place for that stuff within Science.

You know - if it's obviously 'broken', do what
Needs to be done to Fix-it.

That's all I'm doing.

I intend to Continue.

So =do not= 'wonder' "who" it is that I am
addressing. It's =no one= amongst those who
regularly read here in b.n.

Basically, I'm talking to Science, itself [and =not=
the Journal].

Just Science.

I'm calling-it-to-Task with respect to its Responsi-
bilities to Humanity.

There is Need for Honor that's been Missing.

Same is True, pretty-much across-the-board in
Government and Business, too.

My jaw hangs down when I Witness the way
that folks are, in general, so 'oblivious' to the
True-Wonder that Being-Alive constitutes.

One can't miss Seeing the True-Wonder, if one
comprehends nervous system function.

So, that's why I, long ago, Chose to Do what
Needs to be done here in b.n.

I intend to lift Humanity up above it's Ravaging

Most of what's necessary has already been accom-

But the final effort is upon me, now, so I can't
'prevaricate'. Have to keep things from 'sliding-

I'll be Grateful for =any= discussion that folks want
to offer, but, either way, the stuff I'm doing is not
with respect to folks who read regularly in b.n.

Folks, here, should just feel Free.

I Apologize for not Clarifying all of this earlier.
I thought it was Obvious.

ken [k. p. collins]

"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
news:mpUQb.24378$i4.23508 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net...
> [...]

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