regularity of spike series

k p Collins kpaulc at [----------]earthlink.net
Sun Jan 25 14:02:42 EST 2004

Continuing, below.

"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
news:j3UQb.24346$i4.1624 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net...
> "k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
> news:2mJQb.23846$i4.16230 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net...
> > Hi Matthew,
> >
> > "mat" <mats_trash at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> > news:43525ce3.0401240447.4bbbfab0 at posting.google.com...
> > > > [...]
> > > [...]
> > [...]
> Addendum to the post linked-to above.
> How did I 'cross-correlate' data from =different=
> studies, in a, nevertheless, "globally-integrated"
> way.
> Like I said - =arduously=.
> One has to cross-correlate amongst the data
> presented in various studies that were done
> independently.
> I long-ago tried to get this across by using
> an analogy to a climber working his way
> up a crevas by placing his feet on one side
> of it, and his back on the other, and gradually
> 'scooting' upward.
> The metaphor was that one has to 'crawl'
> through the data, toward the cross-correlation.
> One cannot just 'thumb-through' it.
> It's arduous.
> [Which is most of why, when I get 'pissed-off',
> I get 'pissed-off'. The work to which I refer is
> what I also have referred to as "the Terrible
> Times". I was pushing myself beyond reasonable
> limits of endurance, and it almost Killed me. So,
> when folks "ho-hum" what's in AoK, it cuts like
> a knife. Doing that work was my way of Contrib-
> uting to the body of understanding. I remain
> 'incredulous' that folks can be 'blind' to what
> was entailed in doing the work. OK? Is this
> enough in way of 'explaining' why I [too often,
> I admit] get 'pissed-off'?]
> To cross-correlate data from studies that were
> done independently, one just has to analyze a
> =lot= of such studies. [I believe I worked ex-
> haustively. I went from one end of the Neuro-
> science stacks to the other, not reading every-
> thing, but looking through =everything= for
> stuff that I needed to integrate, and integrating
> every such study that I found.]
> As one does this, one accumulates a Knowledge
> of what will happen 'over there' [within the neural
> Topology], when such and such happens 'over here'
> [within the neural Topology].
> It was =arduous=.
> Two things spurred me on. I'd hit on this way to
> construct a Future for myself - a means through
> which I could Provide for the Family I wanted,
> and I had to do it be-cause I'd Witnessed the
> fact that Children Sufferred be-cause it hadn't
> been accomplished yet.
> The last thing is what I refer to when I talk
> about being "Obligated".
> For me, there was no Choice. I couldn't just
> Abandon the Children.
> And, then, the first thing made me want to
> 'get it over with' So I worked hard, and as
> devotedly as my personal resources permitted.
> Then, in the midst of this, my Mom was thrust
> into her Battle against Cancer, and I 'pulled
> out the stops' be-cause I wanted her to see what
I'd done with the stuff she'd given me. I worked
as if I was racing her illness.

"The Terrible times".

Up until the 'time' when Dad died, I was working
hard for the same reason, with respect to him.

Since he died, I've still been working, but it's
been 'different'. I haven't thought much about it,
but know it is. I'm sort of a problem-solving
'machine' - no 'emotion' left. Just Determined to
grind through anything that remains needing to
be ground through. Just Determined that I'll not
Abandon the Children.

I'm getting into all of this [again] because it's
the only way in which I can hope to get across
to folks what went into the effort.

It was arduous.

It'll probably be the case that no one will com-
prehend what I'm saying, in this post, but it's
just not possible to recreate all the work I did
online. There were thousands of studies

It's why I've always offered to Demonstrate
by doing this sort of analysis with respect to
any non-trivial article selected from the Neuro-
science stacks.

I can do it with respect to any article, because
I already did.

But folks've 'thought' I was 'just Lying'?

Try doing something, Choice-optional, that
comes close to Killing you.

Then see how =you= feel when folks treat
you as if you're 'Lying'.

I expect you'll see what I mean when I
say that I get 'pissed-off'.

These things must be spoken in the light-of-day.

Science is Better than what I've witnessed of
'science', and I want for no one else to =ever=
have to go through what I've been through.

[So, having already absorbed the 'costs', I'm
Free to address all of this Forthrightly.]

Anyway, it's simple, but arduous, to cross-correlate
the data from studies that were done independently -
because they all occur within the IFR [which is
roughly the same as what's referred to, in AoK, as
the "special topological homeomorphism of [...]
nervous systems", but is more Geometrically-ideal-

"... no good thing has been, or can be enjoyed
by us, without having first  cost labor."  [Abraham Lincoln]

I Agree.

ken [k. p. collins]

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