"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
news:pYJQb.23867$i4.22001 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net...
> You've referred to Luria's work in long-former posts.
>> If you have the book, I'd appreciate it if you'd quote
> the material, from it, to which you refer, above.
Hi Ken,
It is lot of text - 58 pages - to quote. The text is beautifully
sophisticated and subtle.
I keep quoting the whole 2nd Chapter (the rest of the book is great too BTW)
because I don't think I would do justice to what Luria wrote if I snipped
out parts of it. Anyway, until something can be arranged (hint hint) please
have look for the book in some library or 2nd hand bookstore. I shall see
what I can do.