"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]> wrote in message
news:x1qQb.22677$i4.8302 at
>> "k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]> wrote in message
> news:e9oQb.21980$q4.16023 at> > "NMF" <neil.fournier at> wrote in message
> > news:q6kQb.20436$cQ6.893168 at> > > KP Collins:
> > >
> > > Interesting concept.
> >
> > It stands Proven. Everything necessary has been
> > in AoK all along [except illustrations that are in
> > the paperversion do not appear in the hypertext
> > version].
> >
> > > That has some aspects that sound extremely similar to
> > > both David Marr
> >
> > I'd worked it out earlier, and tried to
> > contact Marr because I thought he'd
> > be interested. He never got back to
> > me. Then he died.
> > [...]
>> David Marr =did= get back to me, but
> that was it.
>> I went to [doesn't exist for me] to try to
> talk with him, but only waited all day
> without ever being able to do so.
>> Some 'years' intervened, but the next
> thing I heard is that he'd Died.
>> K. P. Collins
It was Coleagues of David Marr's who
'got back to me', after, apparently,
finding stuff I'd sent amongst Dr. Marr's
effects, after he Died.
Nothing further came of it.
[Aside: It's been interesting to observe
how, after each period of sleeping-con-
sciousness, my recall of these long-ago
[late 1970's(?)] events has become clearer.
There've been two intervening sleep-cycles.
I posted the correction after the 1st of
these, and I'm posting this clarification
after the 2nd.
This's an example of the sleeping-consci-
ousness "database-walking" that I've been
discussing elsewhere in b.n.
During each preceding period of waking-
consciousness, my experiencing of inform-
ation 'correlated' to my long-ago experience
constituted a bit of 'info-cramming' that got
sorted-out during each subsequent sleeping-
conciousness cycle.
So it's not only an experiential-total <-> 'day's-
experience cross-correlation. It's also part
of long-term 'memory'-access :-]
The old-long-since info was 'raised' to the
'front' with respect to my succeeding periods
of waking-consciousness.
'Sleep' is important, and extremely-functional
stuff with respect to everything that has to do with
'memory', obviously even with respect to recall-
prioritization [as in this example].
k. p. collins