Collins's "Consciousness" concept comment on

k p Collins kpaulc at [----------]earthlink.net
Sun Jan 25 02:42:22 EST 2004

Hi Peter,

"Peter F." <effectivespamblock at ozemail.com.au> wrote in message
news:DcFQb.757$7L1.22980 at nnrp1.ozemail.com.au...
> "k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
> news:e9oQb.21980
> <snip>
> > "`blindly'-automated'" refers, solely, to the fact
> > this or that occurs within Consciousness, but ,
> > 'typically', 'outside' of aware-consciousness.
> That is (as far as I am correct about this aspect
> of your thinking) a use of the word "Consciousness"
> in a wider sense than what 'even' I can think is
> the most *workable* possible.

It's be-cause I see 'all' the stuff that underpins
that which is traditionally referred to as "con-

"Consciousness" is the product of =everything=
that occurs within nervous systems, not just this
or that that happens to be casually-observable,
within one's own 'awareness', or through casual
external observation.

Those two 'views' of 'consciousness' are just the
"tip of the iceberg" that is "consciousness". Most
of what "consciousness" is, and derives in, is hap-
pening 'underneath' what is commonly referred to
as "consciousness".

It's important to get, and keep, this straight, else
'consciousness' seems 'magical', when it is, Verifiably,
'just' globally-integrated TD E/I-minimization.

Why this is important is that, as one peers into the
depths of the underpinning stuff, what one experiences
as "consciousness" alters in a way that enhances Human
interactive dynamics [which is exactly the point of the
tion-of-radio example at the end of AoK's "Short Paper"
section, and is the main point of AoK, Ap7, which
shows how such alteration of "consciousness" does,
in fact, occur as a result of anyone's coming to under-
stand how nervous systems process information via
'blindly'-automated TD E/I-minimization. There is no
'magic' in the stuff that's discussed in AoK, Ap7
["Volition"]. What's discussed is how, and why,
"biological mass" is created in the form of "prefrontal
constellations" that actually allow the brain to under-
stand itself, and, thereby, subsequently, alter it's
information-processing dynamics in ways that render
them no-longer-'blind'. So, it's important to have a
view of "consciousness" that sees all of the underpinning
stuff, and which, itself, does not remain 'blind' to
it. Get it?]

Cheers, Peter,

ken [k. p. collins

> [...]

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