Clear. But with using lumps of sugar, far much with intermediation of
sounds, it will be impossible, as I think, to achieve the same results
that would be done with the brain stimulation.
"Glen M. Sizemore" <gmsizemore2 at> wrote in message news:<9474172c4efab0a6483a5713001f5ef5 at>...
> GS (previous): The whole "robo-rat" thing could have been done with a couple
> of small tone gemerators mounted on a small collar around the rats neck.
>> Oleg (previous): I don't think, so. Possibly at first time the rat will pay
> attention to the sounds, but then it will ignore them.
>> Again it only matter of experiments.
>> GS: Don't ever go into the animal-training business. Let's say we mount two
> (radio -controlled) tone generators (one on the L. and one on the R.) And a
> small relay (radio -controlled) that makes an audible click. The tones would
> be established as discriminative stimuli, and the click as a conditioned
> reinforcer. The rat could be trained to turn left or right depending on the
> tone, and correct responses would result in the click. Some unconditioned
> reinforcer (sweetened condensed milk, for example - rat's love it) would, of
> course, be presented when the animal finished a series of movements - at
> first just a few, but the length of the response "chain" could be gradually
> extended until the rat was executing hundreds of responses. People who train
> animals for entertainment purposes do similar things, and in the laboratory
> long chains of behavior are established that result in a single
> unconditioned reinforcer after an hour or more and sometimes tens of
> thousands of responses (i.e., with "second-order" schedules of
> reinforcement).