Experiential total maintenance during Sleep [was Re: A Theory of Neuropeptides?]

k p Collins kpaulc at [----------]earthlink.net
Sat Jan 24 03:13:30 EST 2004

For those who read the discussion of how
sleeping-consciousness is integrated within
NDT, the abstract, below, substantiates
the position that I discussed with respect
to the "experiential total" maintenance that
occurs during sleeping-consciousness.

[For those who 'wonder', I discussed all
of this in b.n years ago, and in other online
'places', going back to when I first came
online more than 15 'years' ago.]

It is not as the Authors describe below,
but an integration of the information that's
been gathered during a period of waking-
consciousness within =all= 'memory' that
has been formerly accumulated - within
"experiential total", and it can only occur
during 'sleep' because 'memory' is "ad-
dressed" via the neural activation that
actually occurs within the nervous sys-
tem, and, during waking-consciousness,
the neural activation that occurs within
the nervous system is, necessarily, cor-
related to the 'momentary' external
3-D energydynamics that are being

During 'sleep' the day's 'memories' are
cross-correlated within experiential total,
while the "supersystem" is 'offline', be-
cause, since 'memory' is addressed by
the neural activation that actually occurs
within a nervous system, the "addressing"
that is necessary within the experiential-
total 'merging' =cannot= occur during

What happens during 'sleep' is that
the experiential total 'database' is reiter-
atively 'walked', and everything that is
experienced druing the prior 'day's
waking-consciousness is applied, in
every-possible way, within experiential

The result is that stuff that didn't ever
happen together during waking-consci-
ousness is, nevertheless, cross-correlated
during sleeping-consciousness.

The 'wonderful' thing about these dynamics
is that they can be greatly-augmented
through simple 'steps' taken during waking-

It's why I always 'cram-info' before 'sleeping',
then go to bed, knowing my brain will
wake up having new correlations to be

Do this for long enough, and one cannot
look at anything within one's waking-
conscious experience without seeing New-
ness - be-cause the information-processing
work that one's brain does during 'sleep'
has cross-correlated the 'crammed' information
within one's experiential total.

Get it?

It's why I'm able to see stuff [correlations]
that most folks 'cannot' see - because I
'cram-info', without prejudging it's Worth,
I wake-up each 'day', and my brain shows
me Newness.


But =do not= attempt it unless 'you', first,
comprehend NDT - or 'you' will end up
in the "zone of randomness" [AoK, Ap4].

Anyway, although this article doesn't
Prove NDT's position. it does strongly-
substantiate it. [I Proved it long-ago, with-
in my own work. I've still got "miles to go"
before I'll have discussed enough to enable
folks to understand that Proof.

Anyway ^2, as I've discussed in recent,
and long-former, posts, this experiential-
total cross-correlation is why we 'sleep' -
why 'sleep' is necessary. The equivalent
information-processing simply cannot
occur during waking-consciousness [in
a 'normal', integral, nervous system. As
I've discussed in recent posts, it does,
in fact, occur within "schizophrenia", which,
I hope, gives folks who are studying
"schizophrenia" a new direction in which
to work.]

K. P. Collins



Quoting from the =Nature= web site:

"Nature 427, 352 - 355 (22 January 2004); doi:10.1038/nature02223

Sleep inspires insight


1 Department of Neuroendocrinology, University of
Lübeck, Ratzeburger Allee 160,

23538 Lübeck, Germany
2 Institute of Psychology, University of Cologne,
Gronewaldstrasse 2, 50931

Cologne, Germany
3 Department of Neurology, University of Lübeck,
Ratzeburger Allee 160, 23538

Lübeck, Germany

Correspondence and requests for materials should
be addressed to U.W.

(wagner at kfg.uni-luebeck.de) or J.B. (born at kfg.uni-luebeck.de).

Insight denotes a mental restructuring that leads
to a sudden gain of explicit knowledge allowing
qualitatively changed behaviour. Anecdotal
reports on scientific discovery suggest that
pivotal insights can be gained through sleep.
Sleep consolidates recent memories and,
concomitantly, could allow insight by changing
their representational structure. Here we show
a facilitating role of sleep in a process of insight.
Subjects performed a cognitive task requiring the
learning of stimulus-response sequences, in which
they improved gradually by increasing response
speed across task blocks. However, they could
also improve abruptly after gaining insight into a
hidden abstract rule underlying all sequences.
Initial training establishing a task representation
was followed by 8h of nocturnal sleep, nocturnal
wakefulness, or daytime wakefulness. At
subsequent retesting, more than twice as many
subjects gained insight into the hidden rule after
sleep as after wakefulness, regardless of time
of day. Sleep did not enhance insight in the
absence of initial training. A characteristic
antecedent of sleep-related insight was
revealed in a slowing of reaction times
across sleep. We conclude that sleep, by
restructuring new memory representations,
facilitates extraction of explicit knowledge
and insightful behaviour.

© 2004 Nature Publishing Group"

"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
news:5UsLb.9$q4.5 at newsread3.news.atl.earthlink.net...
> One more, correlated, thing:
> If I were to work, from a phamacological perspective,
> with respect to 'schizophrenia', I'd determinedly-explore
> sleeping-consciousness with the explicit emphasis upon
> looking for 'incompleteness' within the sleeping-consci-
> ousness experiential-total cross-correlation dynamics
> that are discussed below.
> This, because the symptomology of 'schizophrenia' is
> the very 'picture' of absence, or incompleteness, or
> erroneous-'completion', of this experiential-total cross-
> correlation stuff.
> It's the one 'thing' to which the symptomology of 'schizophrenia'
> is maximally-correlated. [It's a wide-spread, diffuse, all-
> permeating TD E/I(up) condition. Ever-present 'randomness',
> with respect to which waking-consciousness TD E/I-minimiza-
> tion cannot occur 'completely' [because there's just too much
> of it that's necessary as a result of the sleeping-consciousness
> experiential-total cross-correlation [integration] deficits.]
> So I'd investigate this stuff determinedly, and be surprised
> if I didn't find a way to assist folks who suffer such sleeping-
> consciousness information-processing deficits.
> Because sleeping-consciousness is, in fact, extremely-very-
> much-more stereotypically occuring than is waking-conscious
> information-processing, it's also the case that pharmacological
> intervention within sleep-consciousness' information-processing
> dynamics is more-likely to have success.
> Because of its inherent staged-cycling, sleeping-consciousness
> is much-more a 'mechanical' process than is waking-consciousness,
> and that makes attempts at pharmacological intervention more
> 'practical.
> [Note well: I'm =always= 'hesitant' to give folks who pursue
> pharmacological intervention any assistance - because they've
> 'just' not known what they've been doing, but I decided to
> share these insights because they provide an opportunity
> that just doesn't exist with respect to pharmacological inter-
> vention within waking-consciousness information-processing
> dynamics. But =do not= ab-use the stuff I've discussed here.
> =Do not= put 'profits' before the welfares of folks who are
> Suffering. Long and careful study, that holds folks who Suffer
> in it's 'heart', is necessary if what's discussed here is to bear
> fruit. Do not Transgress by seeking 'easy profits'. What's
> here is here because I'm putting it here, so I've Responsibility
> with respect to it. I'll expose any who ab-use it.]
> K. P. Collins
> "k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
> news:PbsLb.17703$6B.15526 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net...
> > One [or more - I've started this reply to do one thing,
> > but might find something else that can use a 'tweak]
> > CLARIFICATION[s] added below.
> >
> > "k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
> > news:WM9Lb.16114$6B.5669 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net...
> > > Hi Dag,
> > >
> > > "Dag Stenberg" <dag.stenberg at nospam.helsinki.fi.invalid> wrote in
> message
> > > news:bth7nq$bjm$1 at oravannahka.helsinki.fi...
> > > > k p  Collins <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote:
> > > > > "yan king yin" <y.k.y at lycos.com> wrote in message
> > > > > news:72de81ae.0401060226.67da0596 at posting.google.com...
> > > > >> Neuropeptides (when they're located at the pre-synapse) are
> > > > >> secreted after intense stimulation such as tetanic trains. ...
> > > > >
> > > > > There's an easy first-test with respect to this question - assay
> > > > > peptide concentrations before and after episodes of sleeping
> > > > > consciousness [because, if your hypothesis is valid, then the
> > > > > 'catching-up' would be most-easily handled during sleeping-
> > > > > consciousness. And, since it's easy to look at before-and-
> > > > > after-sleep peptide concentrations [well, relatively-easy, all
> > > > > things considered], checking that out would be a good first
> > > > > 'step' to take with respect to your hypothesis.
> > > >
> > > > Ken, do you mean "sleep" by "sleeping consciousness"? Or do you mean
> > > > "REM sleep"? Or do you mean "across the sleep-wake cycle"?
> > >
> > > I was refering to looking for a difference before and after =any=
> > >
> > > And I was discussing with specific respect to the possibility that,
> > > if peptides play a role in "information overload", then it's probable
> > > that that would constitute a sort of 'workload queing' with respect
> > > to processing that occurs during sleep - that the "information
> overload",
> > > somehow 'represented' in the formation of a 'peptide-response' to
> > > "information overload", would actually get sorted-out during sleep.
> > >
> > > As I've discussed in the past, it's my position that a lot of this
> > > of thing does happen during sleep - with respect to "experiential
> > > cross-correlation, which is absolutely-necessary with respect to
> > > maintaining 'normal', unified waking-consciousness - simply be-
> > > cause, during waking-consciousness, one's neural activation is
> > > necessarily [more or less] specifically-correlated to one's then-
> > > occurring experience, but cross-experiential-total cross-correlation
> > > of each 'day's new experience is =absolutely-necessary= if a
> > > unified consciousness is, in fact, to be maintained.
> > >
> > > As a Programmer, it's easy for me to see that the sleep cycle's
> > > variable-duration "staging" constitutes a mechanism that is perfectly-
> > > suited to 'walking' one's experiential-total [the totality of one's
> > > 'memory'] and cross-correlating ['consolidating'] the day's ex-
> > > perience with respect to all of one's experience.
> > >
> > > I think this is why sleep is necessary, and is why we do, in fact,
> > > sleep.
> > >
> > > It's be-cause we cannot keep everything we've ever experienced
> > > in-mind during waking-consciousness. That would be so 'distracting'
> > > that it would be anti-survival.
> > >
> > > But it's absolutely necessary that the experiential-total
> > cross-correlation
> > > occur.
> >
> > It's because this whole-experiential-total cross-correlation, that can
> > only occur during the special "supersystem configuration" [AoK, Ap5]
> > that is "sleeping-consciosness", does, in fact, occur during sleeping-
> > consciousness, that the whole of one's experiential total is, in fact,
> > more or less [see below] 'present' 'within' ['underneath'] this or that
> > 'momentary' waking-consciousness information-processing.
> >
> > [The "more or less" qualifier is necessary because these dynamics
> > occur as a function of the 'level' at which the "volitional diminishing-
> > returns decision" threshold [AoK, Ap7] is 'set'. That is, one can
> > volitionally 'choose' the degree of experiential-total cross-correlation
> > that one wishes to achieve. Hence, the "more or less", in the paragraph
> > above. In many ways, the 'passion' that's evident in the way I endeavor
> > to communicate NDT's understanding derives in seeing how much of
> > the harm that folks experience derives in folks' "volitional diminishing
> > returns decision" thresholds being 'set too low' - which results in
> commen-
> > surately-less of this experiential total cross-correlation. When I 'jump
> > up and down', it's usually the case that I'm working to give folks'
> > "diminishing returns decision" thresholds a little 'lifting-up' - which,
> for
> > those who grasp the 'moment', is a 'Gift' of being able to Think more-
> > deeply. I Love folks in that way. But folks are Free to Choose with
> > respect to such. It's be-cause I've been aware of all of this all along
> > that I, long ago, called myself to task with respect to the Necessity
> > of Guarding Free WIll. I do. It's not 'manipulation', because folks
> > are Free to Choose. For those who do so Choose, it's about the
> > best Gift that can be received. It literally is a Gift of being able to
> > 'move toward' Truth - to See Truth, ever-more-clearly. I Love folks
> > in that way. Learned such from Jesus.]
> >
> > >
> > > So, we sleep, and the very-active 'states' of sleeping-consciousness,
> > > with their periodic cycling, in which cycles grow shorter as the
> > > overall sleep 'cycle'  procedes, is flat-out a 'picture' of
> > > database "reorganizations" [that, BTW, occur for the very 'same'
> > > only with respect to shortening data pointer chains that have grown
> > > overly-long, or [through multiple deletions, restores, modifications,
> > etc.]
> > > overly-convoluted, which can greatly impact database performance.
> > >
> > > The computer 'consolidation' ["reorganization"] process occurs in a
> > > non-information-content-relevant way that's analogous to the informa-
> > > tion-content relevant way that whole-experiential-total
> > > occurs within nervous systems during sleep.
> >
> > One does a crude version of this stuff whenever one "defragments" the
> > hard disk on one's computer. [I always do defrags in a stand-alone way
> > [while not, otherwise, using my computer], because I like to think about
> > what my computer is doing in this 'sleep state' :-]
> >
> > BTW, any 'AI' system =must= have an analogue of "sleep" - for the
> > reasons discussed above. Doing it 'in the background' unacceptably
> > degrades 'foreground' processing in a real-AI thing. [Forground
> > processing =must= grasp as much as the 3-D energydynamics that
> > are occurring in it's experiential environment as is possible - if it
> > in fact, to approach real-AI. I wish Microsoft[tm] would learn this, and
> > not ab-use 'foreground' processing by imposing so much 'background'
> > processing upon it in their 'OS' engineering. Where they see 'unused
> > clock cycles', I see only the information-processing capabilities of my
> > PC, and I want to use them for what I want to do, not what someone
> > else wants to do with them. Windows XP[tm] is 'background' processing
> > run amok.]
> >
> > That's all for this clarification.
> >
> > k. p. collins
> >
> > >
> > > It was out of my awareness of these sleeping-consciousness whole-
> > > experiential-total 'consolidation' dynamics that I suggested that the
> > > poster look for a sleep-correlated differential.
> > >
> > > More below.
> > >
> > > >
> > > > Anyway, there are publications since 1909 attempting to assay
> or
> > > > peptide concentrations after prolonged waking in comparison with the
> > > > well-slept state, or differences between sleep and waking. Of
> in
> > > > 1909 they could not identify the peptides, but they found that a
> > > > protein-based substance accumulated in the brains of sleep-deprived
> > > > animals would induce sleep when infused into the cerebroventricular
> > > > system of other animals. About 1975, the accumulation of muramyl
> peptide
> > > > during prolonged waking was observed. It was later found to relate
> > > > and cause the production of interleukin-1 during waking, and indeed
> > > > has been found that prolonged waking induces the transcription by
> > > > the interleukine-1 gene.
> > > >   Several other genes are transcribed more intensely during waking
> than
> > > > during sleep. It follows that their gene products (proteins
> > > > broken down to peptides, which may be directly involved in
> transmission
> > or
> > > > more indirectly, by affecting the regulation of cellular functions)
> may
> > > also
> > > > vary with the sleep-wake state. Most of these genes are immediate
> early
> > > genes
> > > > or gene products related to synaptic plasticity or cellular
> metabolism.
> > A
> > > > very few genes are transcribed more during sleep.
> > > >
> > > > Thoughts about peptides related to sleep homeostasis can be divided
> into
> > > > the depletion hypotheses and the accumulation hypotheses. Does
> > > > activity deplete something useful and necessary, or does it
> accumulated
> > > something
> > > > harmful (the hypnotoxin theory)?
> > > >
> > > > If levels of a peptide increases during wakefulness, it might mean
> that
> > > its use
> > > > is diminished, or alternatively, that its production is increased.
> This
> > > > latter may be due to increased gene transctiption, and may be a
> > > > compensatory phenomenon because of increased use. If a peptide
> > > > decreases during wakefulness, it might mean that it is used more and
> it
> > > > is being depleted, or that its production has simply become
> > > > If one samples the level during a longer period of wakefulness, one
> > might
> > > > see initial depletion followed by compensatorily increased
> A
> > > > single time point may produce misleading results. Furthermore, study
> > > > during spontaneously oscillating sleep-wake cycles may not reveal
> > > > true dependence on wake and sleep, as there may be a delay between
> > > > change in state and the concentration changes. If the delay is due
> > > > changes secretion from stores in the presynaptic terminal, these
> > > > concentration changes are seen with short delay; if the change
> involves
> > > > gene transcription, the change occurs with a delay of hours to days,
> and
> > > > cannot be analyzed by studying spontaneous sleep-wake patterns (with
> > > > cycle of 24h in humans and even less than an hour in most other
> > > vertebrates.
> > >
> > > Thank you for this Generous sharing of your Expertise, Dag.
> > >
> > > > So when Ken writes "There's an easy first-test with respect to this
> > > > question" it is not all that easy. In fact, a great deal of peptide
> > > > assay has been done during the last few decades in relation to sleep
> and
> > > > wake, and there is still no easy answer.
> > >
> > > I'm sorry, but my personal experience leads me to [gently] disagree.
> > >
> > > Because I'm always hard-pressed to feed and shelter myself [for
> decades],
> > > when I have the $ resources to work on my research, I do so by working
> > > for as long as I can - to cram as much into the ol' noggin' lab as I
> > be-
> > > fore allowing myself to sleep.
> > >
> > > As a result, my sleep cycle gradually rotates 'around the clock'.
> > >
> > > As you can imagine, because I've been at this for so long, I've become
> > > aware that there are several 'sub-processes' within
> > sleeping-consciousness.
> > >
> > > They are recognizable because they go in and out of sync,
> stereotypically,
> > > as I allow my sleep cycle to rotate 'around the clock'.
> > >
> > > So I can say, with Certainty, that if you find a subject who will
> > > an analogous waking-sleeping discipline, you'll see periodic
> fluctuations
> > > that correlate to these sleep sub-processes - and because they sort of
> > > 'slide-over' one another [they each 'go their own way'], the
> correlations
> > > will be 'easy' to identify in pharmocological assays. [Whoops! I
> > > know if such studies can be done in Humans - probably not, eh? Or do
> > > the substances you monitor occur, say, in bodily fluids? It's
> > problematical
> > > if your work is invasive. That would mean that you'd have to force the
> > > 'around the clock' sleep cycle rotation upon animal subjects - which
> > intro-
> > > duces a variable that is not within my experience, because I do this
> stuff
> > > volitionally - in order to =relieve= the 'stress' with respect to
> > unanswered
> > > questions.
> > >
> > > You know - "information overload" :-]
> > >
> > > All that I've discussed was in why I responded to the prior post.
> > >
> > > I wanted to get into this discussion with someone.
> > >
> > > So, Thank You, Dag.
> > >
> > > I'll save your informative post special, so I can have ready access
> > > to it when I get back to reading in Neuroscience [if I ever will].
> > >
> > > I'll come over there and let your team 'wire me up' if you want to see
> the
> > > sleep-sub-process cycling that I've discussed.
> > >
> > > I'm so used to it that I usually don't even pay any attention to it,
> other
> > > than knowing, from it, when it's best to go to bed [when I should go
> > > to bed in order to get the best-sleep that's possible].
> > >
> > > [I've also done a lot of 'experiments' with respect to
> > information-retention
> > > and my many diferent sleep-cycle routines. "Never waste data!" is a
> > 'motto'
> > > that I Live by :-]
> > >
> > > Cheers, Dag,
> > >
> > > ken [k. p. collins]
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

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