Hi Matthew,
"mat" <mats_trash at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:43525ce3.0401220431.67b6948f at posting.google.com...
> Can anyone direct me to literature on useful
> metrics of regularity in spike series. I've
> plotted autocorrelograms to see if any
> whopping peaks appear but to no avail.
> On cursory reading I came accros papers
> on 'Approximate Entropy' but I don't think
> my datasets contain enough spikes to make
> this a valid measure.
>> Many thanks
Not knowing anything about your data, I
can't say whether or not it's sufficient, but
in =any= such analysis, one has to, first, do
a preliminary analysis with respect to the
data's topological correlations within the
neural Topology.
It's completely non-sensical to 'analyze'
any 'spike train' without having, first,
done such preliminary neural-topological
It's often hard to do this preliminary
analysis because it's most-often the case
that the information necessary to do it is
not explicitly-stated in the Published
Literature. [Folks don't 'bother' with
cross-correlating their reports' data to
the globally-integrated neural Topology.
Forgive me, Please, for continuing to
'campaign' on behalf of this Absolute
Necessity in this reply to your post.]
Cheers, Matthew, ken [k. p. collins]