The hippocampus is =not= a 'spatial' map

BilZ0r BilZ0r at TAKETHISOUThotmail.com
Sat Jan 24 00:01:06 EST 2004

Huh? HM has perfect long term memory. He just has a learning deficit.

"John H." <johnh at faraway.> wrote in news:4010a385 at dnews.tpgi.com.au:

> The below is a paper I browsed last night and found quite interesting.
> The author argues that the hippocampus acts as a type of monitor of
> various body states and supports his argument by references to a great
> many receptors and ligands found in the hippocampus. He makes the
> interesting observation that the famous HM not only had no long term
> memory, but rarely reported feeling hungry, tired etc and was pain
> tolerant. Thus, to use Ken's terminology, the hippo acts as a super
> configuration system. 

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