The hippocampus is =not= a 'spatial' map

Matthew Kirkcaldie Matthew.Kirkcaldie at removethis.newcastle.edu.au
Wed Jan 21 21:55:14 EST 2004

You know, Ken, I waded through the jargon of your post and from what I 
could make of it, it sounds like a reasonable account of what the 
hippocampus may be doing.  However you are going to limit your 
interaction with other interested people if you stick to such obscure 
and undefined terminology - it becomes such an effort to read that there 
is little motivation to do so.  It's a pity, since there seem to be some 
sound ideas buried within.  I would guess that this is the reason you 
have had little success with publication.

As a rule, I always avoid defining new terms, preferring to limit my 
explanations to those achievable using English and widely-understood 
anatomical / physiological terms.  Often it can be a good discipline.


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