"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
news:qQEPb.18378$i4.1560 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net...
> I'd like to attend, but Las Vegas might as
> well be on Mars, as far as my means are
> concerned.
>> Why are there =never= any Conference
> Announcements for =Boston= posted
> here in bionet.neuroscience?
>> K. P. Collins
You know, Harvard, Radcliffe, Boston University,
Boston College, Regis, Welsley, Tufts, UMass,
Holy Cross, Worcester Polytechnical Institute...
No Conferences?
"Yeah, sure."
What's that? "Enroll!" ...?
I did.
I was told I couldn't do what I wanted to do.
I'm "Banned In Boston".
'Banned' no matter where I go.
Gees, 'louise'!
Folks 'think' there's anything that's actually
"hidden" in-there?
It's all been right-there, plain-to-see, all along.
Hasn't it?
One either 'moves toward' Truth, or Truth
'moves away from' one.
It's a 'thermodynamic', around which there
exists no way.
So =STOP= 'pretending'.
Let's =DO= Science, =together=.
K. P. Collins
>> "Hamid Arabnia" <hra at cs.uga.edu> wrote in message
> news:200401220009.TAA18544 at apollo.cs.uga.edu...> >
> > [...]