One brief addendum below.
"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]> wrote in message
news:9OuPb.17561$q4.14631 at
> Hi Peter,
>> "Peter F." <effectivespamblock at> wrote in message
> news:b_rPb.327$X97.7015 at> > It is rather obvious that there has never existed
> > a significant selective pressure against flailing-
> > around with the eyes under one's closed eye-lids;
> > and that this is also is a very good reason for why
> > the we (our brain and our genophenotype) have
> > become 'sloppy' about how we (during REM or
> > paradoxical sleep) put a stop to this aspect ('eye
> > moving aspect') of the generally intensified motor
> > output along normal neural channels.
> >
> > Here is something I found:
> > Brain Circuits Underlying Paradoxical Sleep
> > Barbara E. Jones
> > McGill University, Montreal Neurological Institute
> > <snip>
> > Fifth, the PnO reticular neurons give rise to descending
> > projections into the medullary reticular formation as
> > well as the spinal cord, where other GABAergic (and
> > glycinergic) neurons are located and participate in the
> > direct inhibition of motor neurons during PS.<snip>
> >
> > Against the hightened excitation during REM sleep, this
> > is at least one specific inhibitiory mechanisms that is
> > "sloppy" as far as our sight-organ is concerned.
> >
> > Web source:
> >
> > RIEVE?serial=71&html=pg.html
> >
> > P
>> You and Dag have brought up [each within larger discussions]
> the same stuff - the motor activity that occurs during REM
> sleep.
>> I like your point with respect to the dirth of evolutionary
> pressure ["makes sense"] - 'blindly'-automated TD E/I-
> minimization with respect to it, =and= with respect to
> other loosely-coupled activation, =could= be how dream's
> imagery is converged-upon. The 'wildness' of dreams
> is commensurate with that sort of 'looseness', and the
> sometimes-waking-consciousness-relevance of dream
> content can also be construed as being commensurate
> with 'blindly'-automated TD E/I-minimization during
> sleeping-consciousness.
>> This 'relevance' would, for instance, be 'correlated', if
> a days' experience imposes a lot of the whole-memory-
> to-day's-experience-cross-correlation, that I discussed
> last week, upon the 'database-walking' with respect to
> particularly-intense [or 'traumatic'] days' events.
>> That is, if a 'day's experience crams-in a lot of inform-
> ation, then, if that information is to become integrated
> within "experiential total", the "database walking" would,
> necessarily, be relatively 'on a theme' that's correlated
> with the database-walking that's occurring with respect
> to the 'day's relatively-large information intake.
For instance, back when I was on "K. P. Duty", I'd
rather-routinely, 'wash dishes' while in dream-sleeping-
consciousness :-]
And, when I'm intensely into coding during waking-conscious-
ness, I routinely dream in QBASIC[tm] or Visual Basic[tm],
literally 'seeing' lines of code as my dreaming-imagery.
Always 'cracks-me-up' when I awaken in the midst of it :-]
Other such stuff is routine within my dreaming-imagery.
It always correlates to what I'm 'pushing'-energy with
respect to during waking-consciousness.
[This is Testable.]
> Get it?
>> I'll have to pay attention to this within my own experience.
>> D=ream-content is relatively-focussed, but it corresponds
> to the abstract= problem of database-walking through
> which "experiential total" is maintained, not directly to this
> or that which Classical Psychiatry 'interprets' the dream
> imagery to 'mean'. [I've always viewed such Classical
> interpretations as a 'Rorshach Test' that Psychiatrists
> were administering to themselves :-] But there is this pos-
> sible, but abstract, correlation to the "database-walking",
> and the relative focus of the 'day's information-content
> that's being integrated.
>> But neither of the above hypotheses with respect to dream's
> often-vivid imagery is commensurate with my hypothesis
> that the image stays on the retina - =unless= there's some
> active feed-forward to the retina during sleep, and, to
> have visual 'coherence' [be that as it is in dream imagery]
> this feed-forward to the retina would have to(?) be 'con-
> nected' to the TD E/I-minimization mechanisms.
>> So I 'need' to answer this Q, with respect to feed-forward
> to the retina, if my image-stays-at-retina hypothesis is to
> be sustained. [I'm not in a rush, but expect I'll get around
> to looking-into this].
>> Also, it's flat-out obvious that dream-content is at least
> loosely, but significantly, coupled to the affective mechanisms.
>> Generally, I've viewed 'dreaming' as a form of 'entertain-
> ment' that 'comforts' the organism while the =massive=
> work of "experiential total" maintenance is, in fact, being
> accomplished - which makes it not only endurable, but
> something to look forward to as waking-consciousness
> becomes 'exhausted'.
>> It's a way that the nervous system 'loves' [cares for] itself :-]
>> [Remember, it evolved before folks could stay up all night
> watching TV :-]
>> Cheers, Peter, ken [k. p. collins]