In bionet.neuroscience Peter F. <effectivespamblock at> wrote:
> Here is something I found:
> Brain Circuits Underlying Paradoxical Sleep
> Barbara E. Jones
> McGill University, Montreal Neurological Institute
> <snip>
> Fifth, the PnO reticular neurons give rise to descending projections into
> the medullary reticular formation as well as the spinal cord, where other
> GABAergic (and glycinergic) neurons are located and participate in the
> direct inhibition of motor neurons during PS.<snip>
>> Against the hightened excitation during REM sleep, this is at least one
> specific inhibitiory mechanisms that is "sloppy" as far as our sight-organ
> is concerned.
The cited paragraph concerns the generalized muscle atonia during REMS, which
excepts eye movements and respiration. It limits body and limb movements
to the fast twitches that presumably are due to overriding vestibular
nucleus output.
I do not understand what you try to prove about eye movements by citing
the paragraph.
Dag Stenberg