1.) Why use brain stimulation rather than more conventional reinforcers? 2.)
Both positive and negative reinforcement have played a large role in the
"development" of most human beings. 3.) You do know that there is a large
literature on the "Law of Effect" discovered by Thorndike (of course,
"hedonism" was a philosophical precursor) and widely investigated by the
scientific field (founded by BF Skinner; the "experimental analysis of
behavior" or "behavior analysis," nowadays), right? 4.) There is a
successful behavioral technology based on the principles discovered in the
basic laboratory (which uses both humans and non-humans) called "Applied
Behavior Analysis." For some of the basic research from about '56 or '57 on
see "The Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior." Much applied
work can be found in the "Journal of the Applied Analysis of Behavior"
founded, I think, in the '70s.
"Oleg" <ingenuous at mail.ru> wrote in message
news:3fe91fdd.0401210017.79051f18 at posting.google.com...
> Addition
>> To transmit information we can use the combinations of reinforcements:
> 1) right result -> neutral reinforcement, wrong result -> negative
> one;
> 2) right result -> positive reinforcement, wrong result -> negative
> one;
> 3) right result -> positive reinforcement, wrong result -> neutral
> one.
>> Mankind development is based mostly on negative reinforcements (the
> struggle for survival) that conduce to creativeness. Excessive
> positive reinforcements can bring along egotistical beings.
>> Oleg M. Goryunov