
Peter F. effectivespamblock at ozemail.com.au
Wed Jan 21 04:53:08 EST 2004

It is rather obvious that there has never existed a significant selective
pressure against flailing-around with the eyes under one's closed eye-lids;
and that this is also is a very good reason for why the we (our brain and
our genophenotype) have become 'sloppy' about how we (during REM or
paradoxical sleep) put a stop to this aspect ('eye moving aspect') of the
generally intensified motor output along normal neural channels.

Here is something I found:
Brain Circuits Underlying Paradoxical Sleep
Barbara E. Jones
McGill University, Montreal Neurological Institute
Fifth, the PnO reticular neurons give rise to descending projections into
the medullary reticular formation as well as the spinal cord, where other
GABAergic (and glycinergic) neurons are located and participate in the
direct inhibition of motor neurons during PS.<snip>

Against the hightened excitation during REM sleep, this is at least one
specific inhibitiory mechanisms that is "sloppy" as far as our sight-organ
is concerned.

Web source:


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