"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]> wrote in message
news:%85Gb.10836$wL6.115 at
> [...]
> I've rewritten GR.
>> Then I threw out that big black book.
> [...]
I was not being Forthright when I posted
the above.
I did "[throw] out" the book, but only with
It was when I lost my apartment, and couldn't
afford to store my Library, half of which was
piled into a dumpster.
Books are Precious to me. I Never discard
a book willingly - even if what's in it is 're-
But the "Gravitation" book was one whose
loss I still mourn, and probably will until I
can afford to purchase another copy of it.
When I posted what's quoted above, I
was privately mourning the loss.
"Rendering useless" [AoK, Ap8].
But, when I reread the post, tonight, I saw
that I expressed more than my sorrow.
I Apologize.
K. P. Collins