Using intensive reinforcement for developing intellectual abilities

k p Collins kpaulc at [----------]earthlink.net
Tue Jan 20 18:37:56 EST 2004

"r norman" <rsn_ at _comcast.net> wrote in message
news:0f3r00p818slnen66lc49abs0okr1nq5fd at 4ax.com...
> [...]

> More seriously, just what makes anyone
> think that learned behavior is passed on to
> future generations?  It hasn't so far in the
> several thousand year history of education.

It's so difficult for Educators because it happens
so strongly within Family experience.

But that it does happen so 'blindly' and automatic-
ally within Family experience, Encourages Educators
to 'hang-in-there'.

My money's on the 'day' when Parents get-it
with respect to the intergenerational Learning
that derives in Family experience.

Me and "Don Quixote" are 'hanging-in', too.

Cheers, Ron, ken

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