Is this an idea you have or are you reiterate work done by others in this
field? This concept is definitely that I have considered and many others,
however, I am not aware if it has been shown experimentally. I guess one
thing that will have a major influence on the reinforcing properties will
regard the actual temporal and intensity characteristics of the electrical
The problem with your idea is that consistent ("repeated") electrical
stimulations will evoke two processes. The most obvious one is kindling and
the progressive development of epileptiform activity. The second (which is
often forgotten) is that positive stimulation zones (or positive
reinforcement sites: ventral tegmental area, etc.) are also surrounded by
negative stimulation zones. (These regions inhibit the behavioral response
evoked by the postive stimulation zone and produces often the opposite
responsethat is evoked by the positive circle-surround stimulation.
Moreover, these processes are self-limited in electrical spread. This was
intially dervived from the influential work of Mikhailova and Pimenova) .
Presumably the electrical stimulations will be self-contained, unless the
progressive stimulations can surpass these negative ("inhibitory")
stimulation zones. (Problem with that is this spread will be the preamble
for seizure development).
"Oleg" <ingenuous at> wrote in message
news:3fe91fdd.0401201117.2794d60a at
> Reinforcement with electrodes implanted in zone positive reinforcement
> of brain can be used to develop intellectual abilities of people,
> animals and the other creatures. For it any successful solution of an
> intellectual task should reinforce the way.
> The better results can be achieved in the period of childhood i.e.
> when bran is the most able to development.
> Using the technique for group of several beings can give the better
> results and leads to fixation of the changes of intellect into next
> generations.
> Probably such way intelligent animals and other creatures would be
> produced.
>> Oleg M. Goryunov