Watch the State of The Union Address.
The Death-knell of Capitalism will probably
sound within it.
'privatization' of Social Security will precipitate the
=END= of Capitalism as it has existed.
This will occur be-cause folks will be induced, by
their participation in 'privatized'-participation in
Social Security, to become 'locked-into' this or
that 'investment strategy' that's imposed by the
In other words, 'privatization' will be as an 'bullet'
directed at the heart of the 'desires' that underpin,
and breathe Life into Capitalism.
Instead of Killing Capitalism, why not =Embrace=
it by setting Fiscally-Responsible example, rather
than 'thumbing noses' at National Buget Deficits,
and, you know, rather than plundering the Social
Security Trust Funds?
[If anyone cares, get this post to the President's
Speech Writer before it's 'two'-late.]
K. P. Collins