Using intensive reinforcement for developing intellectual abilities

r norman rsn_ at _comcast.net
Tue Jan 20 15:25:37 EST 2004

On 20 Jan 2004 11:17:25 -0800, ingenuous at mail.ru (Oleg) wrote:

>Reinforcement with electrodes implanted in zone positive reinforcement
>of brain can be used to develop intellectual abilities of people,
>animals and the other creatures. For it any successful solution of an
>intellectual task should reinforce the way.
>The better results can be achieved in the period of childhood i.e.
>when bran is the most able to development.
>Using the technique for group of several beings can give the better
>results and leads to fixation of the changes of intellect into next
>Probably such way intelligent animals and other creatures would be
>Oleg M. Goryunov

Absolutely!  Insert electrodes into the brains of all newborns so we
can teach them properly!  The electrodes (radio controlled, of course)
would also be useful in case they act up in some way.  For instance,
by not fully appreciating their government's actions.

More seriously, just what makes anyone think that learned behavior is
passed on to future generations?  It hasn't so far in the several
thousand year history of education.

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