In bionet.neuroscience k p Collins <kpaulc@[----------]> wrote:
> "k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]> wrote in message
> news:af0Pb.15869$q4.5300 at>> > >That is, "vision" is nothing more than the map-
>> > >ping of light onto the retina.
>> The neural Topology is for doing all of this information-
> processing. It can't waste energy doing stuff that'd only
> impose huge complication in the midst of the rest of what
> it must accomplish, precisely because all of that complicated
> stuff is already being done in the retina, and would be totally-
> redundant if it were recreated internally.
I cannot help thinking that it would be useful if Ken read just a tiny
bit of visual physiology in between. There is a whole lot going on after
the retina, and it is not all point-to-point projection either. Please
read up in any modern textbook.
Dag Stenberg