"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
news:FlfOb.11896$q4.3223 at newsread3.news.atl.earthlink.net...
> "k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
> news:FIYNb.10156$q4.8490 at newsread3.news.atl.earthlink.net...> > [...]
> > "k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
> > news:GgtNb.8998$i4.8624 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net...> > > [...]
> > [...]
>> [...]
> Anyway, today, there's a crew outside my trailer
> taking-down the "leaning-tree of Better Way" :-]
> [...]
The tree is leaning so far over my trailer, that the
crew couldn't take it down.
Seems 'eriely-appropriate'.
I understand that I've 'transgressed' in a way that
'seals my fate'.
I mean,who will want to 'be involved' =now=?
But, you see? It's been going-on 33 'years' of
the Same-Stuff, and the appearance, throughout
these decades, has been consistently the one way.
The crucial 'time' passed some years ago. I saw
it coming - it's why I was so 'desperate' back
then - I knew that, if I continued, and no one
'broke-through' the impasse, that folks'd keep
right on gaining more understanding, but,
simultaneously, become more-'fearful' - more
reluctant to 'become involved'.
2001-09-11 pretty-much 'sealed' my fate.
'powerful' forces began to 'blindly'-and-
automatically unfold, and folks became in-
creasingly 'afraid' - and my 'jumping-up-and-
down' just got 'smothered' in all of that.
I've been trying to continue 'just' bringing
NDT's stuff forward [filling-in details that are
included in TH] - all the while, being pretty-
much 'resigned' to the 'end' of what I can
actually do coming.
I've tried to push that 'date' back, but it's
upon me, 'now'.
This stuff about folks ab-using NDT & TH -
what could I do other than what I've done?
Think about it.
If one sees stuff that's Ravageing folks, and
does nothing to act against such, then one be-
comes why it's happening.
I had to 'draw-the-line', there.
So, tonight, ~"I sit watch through my
Windows as you go away" [Allison Krause].