"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
news:FIYNb.10156$q4.8490 at newsread3.news.atl.earthlink.net...
> [...]
> "k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
> news:GgtNb.8998$i4.8624 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net...> > [...]
> [...]
If folks look-back, they'll see that, every 'time'
I've posted stuff that advances things, there've
been 'economic cover stories' launched as dis-
information with respect to the 'stock market's
'reaction' to the stuff I've discussed, as was the
case with respect to the Universal Proof of
Tapered Harmony linked-to above.
[For those who've saved copies of my discussions,
if they look, they'll See that I embedded forward
references to this discussion in-them. Search on
"'stock market'" and you'll find these. Then cross-
correlate to the then-contemporaneous News
reports, and you'll see the 'cover-up' stuff. You'll
be able to discern the 'cover-up' stuff be-cause
this or that that the 'cover-ups' contend to be the
case never comes to pass, which discloses the
Superficiality that routinely Hallmarks any 'cov-
'They' do this sort of thing in efforts to 'reassign'
the 'stock market's reaction to TH's [or NDT's]
technological Worth - in efforts to 'hide' the fact
that folks're ab-using the understanding.
This sort of thing has always been simultaneously
'hilarious' to me ["Don't they know that they're
just giving-themselves-up?"], and exceedingly-
Sorrowful ["If they're going-through all of that
trouble, then they must be 'fearful', and 'deter-
mined' to 'move away from' Truth, which 'means'
that all that 'power' is aligned-against the coming-
forward of both NDT's and TH's understandings.]
It's =Hard= to continue in the 'face' of such -
=Hard= to see my efforts to lift Humanity up,
through-the-lens of these self-disclosing 'cov-
erup' dynamics.
My work is being treated as if it's 'secret'.
I am being treated as a 'Slave' - all my Constit-
utional Guarantees stripped from my Being.
And, when I see such, I see that it bodes-ill
for my Being.
If anyone's 'wondered', it's this sort of stuff
that's what I've referred to whenever I've
discussed the fact that I'm "being Murdered".
It's 'funny' - if 'b.n' is, in fact, an open NG, then
it's all been happening 'in-plain-sight'.
Which would be so 'strange' that that's why
I've allowed myself to 'wonder' if the 'b.n' that
I see is a 'clone-server'. If it is, they the 'cover-
ups' have been all the more ugly - because it
means that there's a subversive 'private-club'-like
sharing of this or that advancement in NDT & TH
that I post.
And, how can I not 'wonder' in this way, when
I've never received any acknowledgement,
of what's in the stuff I've discussed, from folks
It's why I've asked folks to allow me to meet
with them in-person - and the fact that that's
never happened, only makes me 'wonder'
Anyway, when I see this sort of 'cover-up'
stuff unfolding [and it's been going-on for more
than 15 'years'], it always 'dis-heartens' be, a
Makes it ever-more-Hard to just continue.
Then, a 'funny' kind of internal-struggle always
ensues - "Are you going to allow this other stuff
to 'prevent' you from Doing what Needs to be
Done?"/"But they're taking my work, using it to
seek 'profits', and withholding it from those on
whose behalves it was done, so all I'm actually
'doing' is feeding folks' Greed."
And I Explore all of this, all the while being 'tum-
bled-around' in a sort of internal cement-mixer.
It's some exceedingly-Cruel stuff to experience.
It's why I look-to Jesus.
My experience as been a =Small= reflection of
His, and I look-to Him for Example - look-to
Him with respect to what it is that I do.
Which has always been to walk-deeper into the
'Cruelty', "Forgiv[ing] them, for they know not
what they do."
Which is =Hard= to do when it's all 'painted',
right-there, in the 'stock market' data and News
Anyway, today, there's a crew outside my trailer
taking-down the "leaning-tree of Better Way" :-]
It's 'distracting'.
Hence, this 'distracted' discussion.
K. P. Collins