"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
news:IqWNb.10010$q4.5762 at newsread3.news.atl.earthlink.net...
> "Glen M. Sizemore" <gmsizemore2 at yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:1777fd564a894029e8e084a32aba4e69 at news.teranews.com...> > No, you're right Ken. The nasty Hobbitses stole your Precious.
> > [...]
> Anyway, we've had only a little interaction in the
> past, are you trying to tell me that you've been
> reading all along?
>> Are you offering a 'hand-up'?
>> Or are you doing a 'prompting', expecting
> that, because of that, I'll do this or that?
>> Or are you just being mean? :-]
As far as I have looked at Glen M Sizemore's posts, there has never been
anything worthwhile visible; and he appears to be nothing but a vile
Perhaps you naively still *don't* know that such vapidly intellectual,
whilst viperous, personalities actually do exist?!
They do, by "probabilitic providence". ;-(
Moreover, it can be explained that he/they are being thus disposed because
of their particular [geno]phenotype having been conditioned by SHITS and
consequently (immediatley subsequently) AEVASIVEly 'plugged' (made
selectively unconscious) and prodded (strongly co-motivated) by CURSES?
Best wishes to you Ken,
(Partly supplied for that gremlin, Glen, to be galled by.)
SHITS -- (~ 'selective Hibernation' imploring type situations) is a way of
referring to any seriously and significantly adversely affecting stimulation
by any kind of environmental feature not possible to physically - i.e. by
way of any kind of muscle activity - escape from. Also: covers from a
"tardily traumatizing trauma" to a "rapidly traumatizing trauma".
CURSES -- can be replaced with "Pain" or "primal pain" as per Janov
[http://www.primaltherapy.com]; Or (reluctantly included) with "engram(s)"
as per Hubbard; Or by saying something like: by some slowly or rapidly
traumatizing life-experience caused - or thus conditioned-in - "subconscious
state of cathexis" - as per Freud's still fairly spot-on theorizing
AEVASIVEly -- an acronym concEPT with a definition and meaning that is more
encompassing and profound (more total and balanced), more efficiently
packaged, and more 'homepathically conceived and cooked up (according to a
sEPTic humored recipe), than what would traditionally be understood to be
the *combined meaning* of the words "neurotically" and "defensively".