question regarding soy neurotoxicity and vitamin e derived from soy

Joe Legris jalegris at xympatico.ca
Fri Jan 16 18:20:07 EST 2004

jim at xtern.com wrote:
> I am trying to avoid vitamin e capsules that contain gelatin because of BSE
> concerns, but the only ones that I can find are derived from soy.  Given
> that there is some preliminary evidence to suggest that soy products may
> cause dementia in males, I am wondering if vitamin E derived from soy
> products would carry the same potential risk.  I am trying to moderate soy
> consumption until something more definative is found.  Thanks in advance.

The same potential risk as what? The soy-dementia connection is 
apparently just a guess at this point. You cannot compare undefined risks.


Joe Legris

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