Well, anyway

k p Collins kpaulc at [----------]earthlink.net
Fri Jan 16 13:53:28 EST 2004

"Glen M. Sizemore" <gmsizemore2 at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:1777fd564a894029e8e084a32aba4e69 at news.teranews.com...
> No, you're right Ken. The nasty Hobbitses stole your Precious.
> [...]

It's =Precious=, alright.

But I've been trying to =Give= it away, Glen.

And there's another 'part' of it that I'm try-
ing to eliminate [in the spirit of your metaphor,
'toss in the volcano']

It's 'just' that 'funny' things've been happening
[for decades] while the Giving, and getting to
the 'point' of the 'tossing', have been going-on.

It's an 'interesting' Problem.

Stuff 'disappearing' into a sort of 'secret-
passage-way', and never reaching the folks
on whose behalves the work was done, and
stuff 'popping-up' in my 'path' as I 'move
toward' the 'tossing'.

I'm going to Study that for a while.

But, I admit, I see the possibility that it is me,
dangling from the cliff's edge, 'unwilling' to 'take
the hands' of those who'd pull me back up - be-
cause it's just not clear, yet, that the 'hand' is
a 'hand-up', or a 'hand' that'll 'drop' me :-]

Anyway, we've had only a little interaction in the
past, are you trying to tell me that you've been
reading all along?

Are you offering a 'hand-up'?

Or are you doing a 'prompting', expecting
that, because of that, I'll do this or that?

Or are you just being mean? :-]

k. p. collins

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