No, you're right Ken. The nasty Hobbitses stole your Precious.
"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]> wrote in message
news:ReJNb.9423$q4.4061 at
> What I posted, quoted below, is a "cheap-shot",
> and folks should feel Free to be both disgusted
> and revulsed by it.
>> [It was a TD E/I-minimization 'over-shoot', if any-
> one understands what I mean by that. I got 'intense'
> [because I =had= to, in order to keep my Promise
> re. the Universal Proof], but didn't activate the
> 'brakes' strongly enough - didn't invert energy-
> gradients sufficiently - and the elevated TD E/I
> that I had to allow existence within me, 'over-
> shot' the Logical 'boundaries' of the Proof.
>> I Apologize.
>> The other thing is, =no one= "took" my Life
> from me. I Gave it, and my insinuating that
> it was 'otherwise' was a Lie - blatent 'moving
> away from' Truth that's an Egregious Offense
> because of all of my going-on-and-on with
> respect to "moving toward Truth. Period."
>> I Apologize, and resume dragging myself
> toward Truth after this sojourn in a 'valley'
> of dis-order.
>> To be fair to myself, there =is= a =lot=
> going-on that's hurtful to me, and which
> I just don't talk about [because it's been
> obvious that the hurtful stuff is calculated
> with respect to inducing me to talk about
> it - which would leave me looking - well,
> as I am :-]
>> [It's 'funny' - one such thing arrived in the
> mail today, and it's main effect was to snap
> me out of my 'self-pitying 'state'. So, to
> those who sent it, Thank You.]
>> I'll post further, correlated, discussion in the
> "Consciousness" thread.
>> ken [k. p. collins]
>> "k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]> wrote in message
> news:OSuNb.9040$i4.6052 at> > [What's here is left 'cryptic', but
> > the folks who'll receive it will
> > understand.]
> >
> > Well, anyway, =my= Honor is intact.
> >
> > All 'you' Lovers of 'secrecy' will find
> > out, by and by, but unrushingly, what
> > derives in 'your' grouped-'moving away
> > from' Truth.
> >
> > I'll have =nothing= to do with that, BTW.
> >
> > =My= Honor remains intact.
> >
> > Now, let's see... it's a Cold winter's 'day'
> > in 1961. Life stands before me. How
> > will I Live it?
> >
> > You know - with Life's having been
> > taken from me.
> >
> > K. P. Collins
> >
> >