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Call for Papers
ICMLA '04: The Third International Conference
on Machine Learning and Applications
Sponsored/Co-sponsored by the IEEE SMC, the ACM SIGKDD,
Association for ML and Applications,
and University of Louisville
Louisville, Kentucky
December 16-18 2004
(Papers Due: June 4, 2004)
ICMLA'04 aims to bring together researchers and
practitioners to present the latest achievements
and innovations in the area of machine learning (ML).
The conference provides a leading international
forum for the dissemination of original research
in ML, with emphasis on applications, novel algorithms,
software and systems. For the third time the conference
attracts researchers and application developers
from a wide range of ML related areas such as statistical,
probabilistic, fuzzy, evolutionary, inductive, and
other kinds of learning, data mining, knowldge discovery,
pattern recognition, knowledge acquisition and retrieval,
databases, data warehousing and visualization,
knowledge-based systems and high performance computing.
The main goal of the conference is to advance the state of
the art in ML via promotion of high quality and novel
=> TOPICS <=
Topics related to the design, development, analysis,
implementation of ML theory, systems, and applications
are of interest. These include, but are not limited to
the following areas:
- multistrategy learning - statistical learning
- neural network learning - learning through fuzzy logic
- learning through evolution - evolutionary algorithms)
- bayesian network - case-based reasoning
- evolutionary computation - reinforcement learning
- ML of natural language - grammatical inference
- knowledge discovery in DBs - knowledge intensive learning
- knowledge representation - knowledge reasoning
- information retrieval&learning- plausible reasoning
- cooperative learning - planning and learning
- multi-agent learning - web navigation and mining
- learning through mobile DM - online and incremental learning
- inductive learning - inductive logic programming
- support vector machines - computational learning theory
- cognitive-modeling - hybrid algorithms
- knowledge acquisition and learning
- scalability of learning algorithms
- learning through text and multimedia mining
- distributed and parallel learning algorithms and applications
- feature extraction and classification
- machine learning in science and engineering,
game playing and problem solving, intelligent virtual
environments, medicine, biology and bioinformatics,
homeland security applications, and industrial applications
Regular Research Papers due : June 4, 2004
Notification of acceptance : September 4, 2004
Camera-ready papers &
Pre-registration : October 1, 2004
The ICMLA Conference : December 16-18, 2004
All paper submissions will be handled electronically. Detailed
instructions are provided on the conference home page at
High quality papers in all ML areas are solicited. Papers that
present new directions will receive especially careful and
supportive reviews. Authors are expected to ensure that their final
manuscripts are original and are not appearing in the other publications.
Paper submissions should be limited to a maximum of 8 pages, and
will be reviewed by the Program Committee on the basis of technical
quality, originality, significance, and clarity. All submissions
will be handled electronically. Accepted papers will be published
in the conference proceedings, as a hardcopy.
A selected number of accepted papers will be invited for
possible inclusion, in an expanded and revised form, in a journal.
ICMLA'04 Best Paper Awards will be conferred at the conference on the
authors of the best research paper.
We invite the submission of proposals for special sessions,
workshops and tutorials. Proposals to organize such sessions
should include the following information:
- name and address of the proposer(s)
- title of the session
- description of the session (see further details below)
Each special session will have at least six paper presentations.
The special session chairs will be responsible for
soliciting the papers, reviewing, and making final decisions,
in consultation with the conference chairs.
The description of the session should include a short description
on how the session will be advertised.
Proposals to organize tutorials or workshops should be 1-5 pages
long and should include a definition of the scope of coverage.
Special sessions will be open to all participants.
Due date for the submission of proposals:
- Special sessions May 7, 2004
- Workshops and Tutorials May 7, 2004
Email your proposal to the Workshops, Tutorials & Special
Sessions Chair Dr. Alan Sprague (sprague at
=> VENUE <=
You are cordially invited to participate in the ICMLA'04,
to be held in the world-famous town of Louisville, Kentucky.
Louisville offers a quality of life that is matched by few
in the country. Not only is Louisville one of nine communities
with a resident professional opera,theater, orchestra, ballet
and children's theater. Louisville also is home to several
world-class museums and educational attractions, such as
the J.B. Speed Art Museum, Glassworks and the Louisville Science Center.
From the gigantic Louisville Slugger replica outside
Hillerich & Bradsby's downtown headquarters, which offers tours of
its bat factory and museum, to the Twin Spires of Churchill Downs in
south central Louisville, sports also play an important role
in the community. The University of Louisville is home to Division I
football and basketball teams, and the city also enjoys rooting its
professional baseball and arena football teams to victory.
Conference Chair:
- Dr. Mehmed Kantardzic, University of Louisville, USA
(mmkant01 at
Conference Committee:
Program Chair
- Mariofanna Milanova, University of Arkansas, USA
Local Arrangement Chair
- Arthur Riehl, University of Louisville, USA
Publicity Chair
- Lukasz Kurgan, University of Alberta, Canada
Workshops, Tutorials & Special Sessions Chair
- Alan Sprague, University of Alabama, USA
Registration Chair
- Adel. Elmaghraby, University of Louisville, USA
Proceedings Chair
- Olfa Nasraoui, University of Memphis, USA
Web Master
- Steve Garcia, California State University Bakersfield, USA
Advisory Committee:
- Michalski Ryszard, George Mason University, USA
- Mitchell Tom, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
- VanLehn Kurt, University of Pittsburgh, USA
- Yao Xin, University of Birmingham, UK
ICMLA Steering Committee:
- Arif Wani, California State University Bakersfield, USA
- Krys Cios, University of Colorado at Denver, USA
- Hamid Arabnia, University of Georgia, USA
- Vasile Palade, Oxford University, UK
- Khurshid Ahmad, University of Surrey, UK
- Mehmed Kantardzic, University of Louisville, USA
- Kevin Seppi, Brigham Young University, USA
- Wei Li, California State University Bakersfield, USA
- Graham Kendall, University of Nottingham, UK
- Khalid Hafeez, University of Sheffield Hallam, UK
- Lukasz Kurgan, University of Alberta, Canada
Dr. Mariofanna (Fani) Milanova, Progaram Chair
Associate Professor
Donaghey College of Information Science
and Systems Engineering
Computer Science Department
Dickinson Hall, Room 515
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
2801 S. University Ave.,
Little Rock, Arkansas 72204-1099
E-mail: mgmilanova at
For up-to-date information consult the conference web site at