"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
news:OSuNb.9040$i4.6052 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net...
> [What's here is left 'cryptic', but
> the folks who'll receive it will
> understand.]
>> Well, anyway, =my= Honor is intact.
>> All 'you' Lovers of 'secrecy' will find
> out, by and by, but unrushingly, what
> derives in 'your' grouped-'moving away
> from' Truth.
>> I'll have =nothing= to do with that, BTW.
>> =My= Honor remains intact.
>> Now, let's see... it's a Cold winter's 'day'
> in 1961. Life stands before me. How
> will I Live it?
>> You know - with Life's having been
> taken from me.
>> K. P. Collins
Commentator: "There's a flag on the field."
"Personal foul."
"Celebrating in the end zone."
"He'll probably be fined by the League, too."
Player: "Oh well."
Coach: "I told you to turn the other cheek."
Player: "Yes, Coach, but they're playing dirty."
Coach: "So what?"
"You're out of the game."
Player: "I understand, Coach."
ken: :-]