"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
news:7nuNb.9027$i4.9014 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net...
> It's a virtual certainty that the "body temperature"
> stuff that is discussed in the post linked-to, below,
> is a determining factor in Immune 'System' function.
>> This is be-cause disease agents' 3-D molecular
> energydynamics necessarily exhibit NL-P 'signatures'
> that are unique functions of the disease agents' global-
> ly-integrated wholeness - which is 'just' their 'TD E/I'.
>> Immune 'System' reactivity is, necessarily, 'driven' by
> the the way that disease agents' NL-P 'signatures'
> differ from the body's DNA-encoded NL-P 'sig-
> natures'.
>> The NL-P is =everywhere=.
>> That this is Necessarily so, opens a 'door' =wide=
> to the advancement of Medicine.
>> In the not-too-distant future, =Star Trek= -like
> disease 'scanners' will become commonplace.
>> What they will do will be to 'lock-onto' the
> body's NL-P and scan for non-body-specific
> NL-Ps, signalling each instance of the latter
> being found.
>> I understand that this sounds like "too much",
> but it's not - for reasons that were also dis-
> cussed in the post linked-to below.
>> Each organism's interaction with WDB2T's
> universal one-way-ness is unique, and how
> to map this is also given in the post linked-to
> below.
>> Progress toward these scanning methodologies
> will begin at the microscopic 'level', with tissue
> samples, and, from there, this technology will
> build-up to whole-organism 'levels', which is
> doable because it's 'just' a problem in collective
> signal analysis [and there are Scientists who've
> already developed some Expertise with respect
> to 'collective signal analysis' :-]
>> K. P. Collins
>> "k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
> news:GgtNb.8998$i4.8624 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net...> > [...]
And, furthermore, it's not only possible to 'scan'
via the NL-P, but also to impose dis-order upon
disease agents by tuning-into their NL-Ps, and
then altering them in a dis-integrating way.
This, too, is doable because of the energy-
mapping that's given in the post linked-to, above.
All of this is =exactly= what's happening in the
little "lawnmower experiment's" 3-D energy-
dynamics :-]
Every 'point' in the spectacular Geometries
of the water 'oscillons' is being 'addressed'
It's an Extremely-new 'Day'!
"Happy New 'Year'!" [a little belatedly :-]
K. P. Collins