Behavioral Inertia

k p Collins kpaulc at [----------]earthlink.net
Wed Jan 14 23:52:41 EST 2004

"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
news:cXbNb.7080$q4.4266 at newsread3.news.atl.earthlink.net...
> There was an Article in 'yesterday's =New York Times=,
> "Israeli Invites Leader of Syria To Jerusalem, but is Re-
> buffed", by J. Bennet, [I failed to capture the page #],
> perhaps it can be found on the =NYT= web site(?)
> The dynamics discussed reflect the facts of "behavioral
> inertia" [AoK, Ap5].
> "Behavioral inertia" occurs as a 'reflection' of the fact
> that 'learning' occurs via the creation of "microscopic
> trophic modifications" [AoK, Ap5] to the neural Top-
> ology in a way that, via TD E/I-minimization, 'encodes'
> the neural activation that actually occurs within a
> nervous system.
> The "micro-mods" are exactly analogous to "mass" in
> Physics, except that they are literally created within, and
> by, nervous systems, which is why a synonym for them,
> within NDT, is "biological mass".

It's in the Ability to literally create [biological] "mass" that
nervous systems are Truly-Wonderous.

Think about it, and, if it's not clear, post a query, and I'll
discuss more.

In these energydynamics that occur within nervous sys-
tems, nervous systems are, literally, participating in

Sorrowfully, thus far, such True-Wonder Stuff has, not
entirely, but mostly, gone to Waste [relative to what
it could have been - relative to what it will(?) be].

k. p. collins

> After they are created, the "micro-mods" guide further
> TD E/I-minimization convergence within the neural
> Topology.
> The "micro-mods" are physically-real stuff that has
> physically-real Existence within nervous systems.
> Be-cause of this, behavioral propensities cannot alter
> 'in a flash'. They cannot be 'wished-away'.
> And resort to 'force' =only= strengthens to "biological
> mass" against which 'force' is directed.
> I've been overall of this, reiteratively, in the past.
> Study the dynamics of "rendering useless" in AoK, Ap8.
> =Understand=, and resolve to endure, patiently,
> while working to establish mutually-inclusive "biological
> mass" by instantiating mutually-inclusive experience.
> And =don't= 'give-up' when first attempts are "rebuffed".
> Such =always= occurs as a simple by-broduct of the
> TD E/I-minimization that occurs with respect to pre-
> viously-existing "biological mass".
> Previously-existing "biological mass" has "behavioral
> inertia" that's commensurate with the quantity of prior
> experience that's correlated to it.
> So give new experience that will establish the "biological
> mass" that enables mutually-inclusive behavior.
> The process is necessarily one-sided until the mutually-
> inclusive "biological mass" is, in fact, created within
> others' nervous systems.
> Do not be 'misled' by the way that previously-existing
> "behavioral inertia" 'seems' not to alter.
> It does alter, but it does so in ways that reflect prior
> experience.
> Get it?
> Don't strengthen "behavioral inertia" by resorting to
> use of 'force' with respect to it.
> Instead, resort to Love - Strong and True, born in
> understanding of what's going on within nervous
> systems.
> ken [k. p. collins]

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